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Category: Capture Your 365

68/365 Me

68/365 Me

Another day posted late – I’m turning into a slacker!  Despite the fact that Saturday’s (yesterday’s) prompt was the one a loathe most each month, the self portrait, I took the photos early in the day.  I just didn’t manage to get them posted before we went out for the evening with friends.  I was happy, or as happy as I can get, with two of the who knows how many shots I took. “Serious Saturday” I am trying to…

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67/365 Hobby

67/365 Hobby

 “Flour Power” It is funny to me how I chose to respond to today’s prompt of “hobby.”  For whatever reason, I don’t think of any of the things that I like to do as “hobbies.”  They are just things that I do.  For that reason, I had to really think about what I was going to photograph today. The first thing that came to mind was knitting.  Of all of the activities that I do in my spare time, this…

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66/365 In the Morning

66/365 In the Morning

I forgot to post this last night.  I’m not sure why my routine fell apart.  It may have had something to do with the awesome chocolate chip scone I had as an evening snack.  Brooke makes them and freezes them for me so that I can dole the scones out to myself as treats in between her visits. “A Slice of Our Mornings” After twenty years of packing lunches for the girls, my lunch packing days are over.  Weber makes…

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65/365 Full Speed Ahead

65/365 Full Speed Ahead

“Making Butter” One of the things that we treat ourselves to is homemade butter.  Unlike many foods made at home, it is not cheaper to make butter than to buy it, but it sure tastes better.  Making the butter is one of Weber’s self delegated chores.  So tonight he made butter and I took pictures.   The mixer has to be on “full speed ahead” for the process of cream becoming butter to work.  I took lots of pictures of…

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64/365 Lucky

64/365 Lucky

“Elephants and Family” I am always amazed at the things I learn about myself when I am considering the daily photo prompts.  Today I realized that I don’t ever think about luck or being lucky.  I don’t have any tokens or trinkets that I think bring me luck.  I am not particularly superstitious.  I am not a risk taker.  All this made me realize that I was at a loss as to what to photograph today.  It also made me…

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63/365 Two

63/365 Two

“My Two Favorite Colors” There is not much explanation or elaboration needed here.  Anyone who knows me or has visited our home knows that blue and orange rock my world. I have been working on another photo project around the theme of “two.”  The assignment was to create a diptych.  Various ideas have been bouncing around in my head for the past three weeks.  I finally set out this past weekend to do something about making the ideas into a…

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62/365 Upside Down

62/365 Upside Down

“0937 Upside Down” There are some things that the iPhone just doesn’t do as well as the good old red display TI calculators from the 70’s!

60/365 Sweet Rest

60/365 Sweet Rest

“Sweet Rest” No resting was happening at our house today.  Late this afternoon, with no idea was I was going to photograph for today’s prompt, I took a stroll outside.  Looking at the closed buds on the irises, I decided that they were resting; there was my picture. “Awake!” As I made my way back around the house, a glimpse of purple caught my attention.  Amidst all of the green stems and tightly closed buds was one early bloomer.  On…

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59/365 Up Close and Personal

59/365 Up Close and Personal

“Icing on the Cake” During the month of February it seems like everyone except me photographed a cupcake in response to one prompt or another.  I finally succumbed to peer pressure.  Here is my icing on the cake as we bid farewell to this month of sweets and treats.

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