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Category: Capture Your 365

78/365 Game

78/365 Game

“Tangrams” Weber is not a game player and I couldn’t bring myself to photograph a game of Words With Friends or Scramble With Friends on my iPad so I had go for a game that I can play by myself.  I have loved Tangrams since I was a child.  There is still something so fascinating to me about the thousands of shapes that are possible by combining these seven geometric pieces.

77/365 Spots

77/365 Spots

“Spot On” I thought my days of being followed into the bathroom were over once the girls passed toddlerhood.  Nope!  Though I did have a few years of privacy, the cat has now taken over where they left off.  It worked to my advantage for today’s photo thanks to the spots on the shower curtain.

76/365 Wearing Green

76/365 Wearing Green

“It’s Not Easy Being Green” Today is another day of life going on regardless of plans.   Friday night a group from Resounding Harmony sang at the Dallas Museum of Art.  By the end of the performance, I had no voice.  This was a relatively short performance so having no voice was not a particularly good sign.  When I woke up yesterday, I was seriously congested.  I had a hellacious cold. By this morning, it had moved into my chest….

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75/365 Green

75/365 Green

“Imagine Green” What’s that saying, “life is what happens while you are busy making plans?”  That pretty much sums up this weekend for us. We had an al-day class on Saturday.  Afterwards we decided to go test drive (well, not me) one of the cars we saw at the Auto Show the other night.  We bought it.  It is a nice car and the manufacturer had nice incentives.  We have been talking on and off about getting a new car;…

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74/365 Fields of Green

74/365 Fields of Green

“Paint the Field Green” Today is an absolutely gorgeous day; it definitely feels like spring.  The grass, however, is still looking like winter – brown and crunchy.  The only green growth seems to be primarily weeds, a sign that we are behind in applying the pre-emergent weed killer!  There were no pretty fields of green to photograph so my Lego mini artist decided to help me out by painting a green field.  If he works diligently, he should make it…

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73/365 Branch

73/365 Branch

“My Neck of the Woods” Today’s prompt of “branch” was probably meant to inspire some beautiful shots of budding spring trees.  We have a few of those around, but, as you can see, I took a different approach.  Being that I live in the city of Farmers Branch, I decided on one of those photos that falls into the “making it personal” realm.  This is our street sign with our city’s logo.  And just for good measure, there are a…

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72/365 Messy

72/365 Messy

“Silver Where? Today’s prompt of “messy” offered me so many possibilities!  Weber would tell you that I need not look any further than my desk, which admittedly is a major disaster right now.  Then there is the pile of shoes in my closet.  Some days I think that it is a miracle that I make it out the door in the morning wearing two matching shoes! The mess I chose to photograph is our silver wear drawer.  It had these…

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