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Category: Capture Your 365

87/365 Flowing

87/365 Flowing

“City Fountain At Night” NOYE TO SELF: Waiting until 10:30pm to start your POTD is risky business, especially if you are trying to photograph flowing water. Here is another shot of the above fountain using a much slower shutter speed.  This gives the moving water the “misty” look. Here is a completely different fountain. “Fountain in the Dark”

86/365 Hunt

86/365 Hunt

“Hunting For Food” The only hunting going on around here is hunting for recipes for the weekend’s meals.  I want to try making Scotch Eggs.

85/365 Color

85/365 Color

“Please Take Me Home!” I went to the grocery store the other day to get bananas, and only bananas.  As soon as I walked in the door, this plant cried out, ‘Take me home with you, please!”  How could I resist the little orange flowers in the blue basket?  Those are my favorite colors. You knew that, right?  Despite its lopsidedness and the brown yips on its leaves, I could not resist this burst of color.  For this picture, I…

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83/365 Landmark

83/365 Landmark

“Carrollton Town Square Gazebo” Because I have been sick all week, I had to spend today, the first day I have had any real energy in a week, playing catch-up on my paper grading.  I had several ideas of things I wanted to try for today’s “landmark” prompt, but they didn’t happen.  As you can see, this one was taken at night, a last minute attempt.  I owe Weber a big “thank-you” for taking me out to shoot this one…

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82/365 Texture

82/365 Texture

“Putting A Wrap On Spring” Despite the fact that the calendar says that it is spring, it was a little chilly today.  That must be what caused an urge in me to start knitting a wrap; that, and I found a cool pattern and yarn for said pattern.  Also, I am still dealing with my weeklong cold.  Having a simple project to work on while I rest in the recliner and watch documentaries with Weber makes me feel at least…

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81/365 Nurture

81/365 Nurture

“An Apple A Day . . .” Whether I’m hungry, thirsty or just need a little energy, an apple always does the trick.  It is a good way to nurture my body.

79/365 Plant Something

79/365 Plant Something

“Please Don’t Grow! I had every intention of at least getting our garden prepped and ready for planting if not actually planted this week while I’ve been on spring break.  Unfortunately, the respiratory crud that hit me over the weekend has really kicked me in the rear.  I have not done much of anything this week.   In an effort to make me feel better, Weber bought me some of these mini doughnuts that have absolutely no redeeming nutritional value,…

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