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Category: Capture Your 365

98/365 Pastel

98/365 Pastel

“Los Pasteles” Accomplishing today’s prompt was a family affair.  I was whining about not having anything pastel to photograph.  I am definitely a bright colors kind of girl.  Weber, the sometimes Spanish teacher said, “Pastel means cake in Spanish.”  Brooke, the pastry chef said, “I can make cake.”  Me, the photographer said, “I can take pictures of cake.”  So here you have it – los pasteles with pastel strawberry, blueberry and matcha icing.

97/365 April Showers

97/365 April Showers

“Rainy Day Parade” “And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.  Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”  – G. K. Chesterton

96/365 Morning Light

96/365 Morning Light

“Morning Light” Today was a great day, but very busy so there wasn’t much time to give to a picture of morning light this morning.  This weather was beautiful though and I did drink a little coffee on the back patio.

94/365 Brand New

94/365 Brand New

“Kimchi After Class” I had a brand new culinary experience this evening, Korean food.  Several of my students, Weber, Brooke and I enjoyed an amazing dinner tonight thanks to one of my students whose family owns a local Korean restaurant.

93/365 Where I Stand

93/365 Where I Stand

“Present Standing” I stand firmly grounded in the present, allowing the past to become history and the future to remain a mystery.  I have learned how important it is to fully embrace the beauty and power of now, of today,  and to not worry about what was or what may be.  

92/365 Strut

92/365 Strut

“Iris, Struttin’ Her Stuff” Most of the iris in the yard are either purple or white.  (See previous post.)  We noticed this one this afternoon amidst a few of the white ones.  I think the colors are magnificent and pretty unique. Here is a close-up of the colors. So far this is the only one we have with these colors.

90/365 Basket

90/365 Basket

“Egg Game 2103” I have many pictures from our Easter Day together.  My intent is to write a longer post about our day, but I am too tired to do it tonight.  I will write and post about it tomorrow.   This picture is from the playing of “the egg game.”  From left to right the hands are Brooke, Erin, Edgar, Edgar’s mom, and his little brother.  Weber, Jason and I were slow to get our hands in the eggs…

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