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Category: Capture Your 365

137/365 A Walk

137/365 A Walk

“A Path of Prayer” One of the things that I have come to love about the Capture Your 365 Project is that it has caused me to learn many things about my own city.  It was late this afternoon before I considered what to do for today’s prompt.  I have photographed our many parks lots of times and as I ran their paths through my head, nothing struck me as a possible subject for today.  This may be because I…

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135/365 Be Active

135/365 Be Active

Start Where  You Are” Now that the semester is nearly over(I still have grades to do.), I have vowed to get serious about getting some exercise.  Though I walk quite a bit, I need a little more.  I downloaded an app for my phone that has a graduated jogging/running routine.  I am going to give it a try.I like this photo because the “beginning”, where I am right now is in focus.  The blur and unfocused parts represent both the…

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134/365 Healthy Habit

134/365 Healthy Habit

“Be Still and Know” There is no doubt that we have a fairly big collection of bad habits, but we also have a few good ones.  Taking some time out of every day to be still and quiet is one of the good ones.

133/365 Laugh

133/365 Laugh

“DYAC” As one who is not the best at sending text messages, I love reading unfortunate autocorrected text messages.  There are websites that are full of screen dumps of these hilarious messages.  It takes a lot to make me laugh until I cry.  Many of these will do it.

132/365 A Mother’s Gift

132/365 A Mother’s Gift

“O” Joy We got back into to town Sunday afternoon in time to stop by the house, unload the car from our weekend away and then head to Resounding Harmony rehearsal. So, our Mother’s Day was more of an observation than a celebration. The girls stayed at the house and animal sat while we were gone. That is a huge gift – no boarding; that makes us and the animals very happy. They also cleaned out and organized both the…

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131/365 A New Focus On Me

131/365 A New Focus On Me

“Saturday Sunshine and Silence” We are enjoying a day of sunshine and silence while on retreat. Today, being the second Saturday of the month, is self portrait day. I must say, that being away in solitude made me approach the task this month with a better attitude than I have had the previous four months. I am becoming slightly more at ease with the process and also a little less anxious about the product. Perhaps by the end of the…

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130/365 Framed

130/365 Framed

“Friday Night Showers” We are on retreat this weekend so I am posting from my iPad. This doesn’t give me the formatting options that the “big” computer does so please forgive any strangeness in the way things look for the next few days. We are having nice spring showers tonight. This shot was taken from beneath an umbrella looking toward a light so that the raindrops are visible through the umbrella. I’m not completely satisfied with this image, but I…

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129/365 Animals

129/365 Animals

“Watchin’ TV” Adidas loves to watch TV where animals are prominent.  He likes anything with four legs – including the Geico gecko.  Unfortunately he barks and carries on so getting a decent picture is next to impossible This is not a good photo but it is definitely a glimpse of what life is like at our house.

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