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Category: Capture Your 365

148/365 State the Obvious

148/365 State the Obvious

“Warning, Warning, Warning!? Who knew that making that morning cup of coffee could be so dangerous?  Not one, but two warnings alerting me to the presence of sharp needles.  I never would have guessed that it took something sharp to poke the holes in the otherwise sealed K-cup to allow the water to be forced through.  And, oh my gosh, I never would have expected that it would take very hot water to make my intentional very hot coffee.  Ya…

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147/365 Catch Phrase

147/365 Catch Phrase

“Wisdom for Today” I don’t know that this is truly fitting for a catch phrase, but it is the quote that came in my daily email of meditations.  I like it a lot and find it to be true for so many people.  It also gave me an appropriate opportunity to photograph my new Lego clown.  My apologies to Erin and Weber; I know how you two feel about clowns. How much different would our lives be if we all…

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146/365 In the Kitchen

146/365 In the Kitchen

“A Clean Kitchen:” Today’s prompt asked us to focus on what goes on in the kitchen – food being prepared, consumed or just displayed.  As you can see, nothing is going on in our kitchen today; that is the point of my photo.  At this moment, the kitchen is clean.  There is nothing being prepared, cooked or eaten.  This is definitely not its normal state.  Though it is usually clean with regard to sanitation standards (except for an occasional cat…

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145/365 Her

145/365 Her

“Harley’ Harley is the only “her” around today.  The her children are out of town and the her cat wants nothing to do with us because we cleaned out “her” closet today which disrupted her napping routine.

144/365 Catch Lights

144/365 Catch Lights

“When You Wish Upon A Star . . .Your Dreams Come True” Because we had no snow days this year, Weber had today off as it would have been the snow make-up day.  We did clean out a closet, but also took time for a little fun.  Bubbles are an endless source of entertainment around our house. Today;s prompt focused on eyes.  Weber has the most beautiful eyes so I am always happy to photograph them.  Here is another of…

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143/365 May Flowers

143/365 May Flowers

“Anthuriums” There is not much blooming  in our yard right now.  I have not planted any annuals yet, either in the ground or in pots.  We are in between the blooming of  the irises and the day lilies.  So, the best it gets is this anthurium that is living on the back patio.  Even it is a little faded.  I guess I need to go get some colorful annuals this weekend and do some planting.

142/365 Clouds

142/365 Clouds

“Imaginary Clouds” After several days of threatening storm clouds, there was not even a hint of a cloud in today’s sky.  With the prompt of the day being “clouds”, I had two choices; I could either dig a cloud photo out of the archives or I could make some clouds.  As tempting as it was to use a photo of clouds that I took exactly a year ago, with the help of my friend Claude, we created our own clouds….

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141/365 A Perfect Gift

141/365 A Perfect Gift

“A Second Chance” Nothing in life is guaranteed; certainly not second chances.  But every now and then, we are surprised.  The best gift that I have received is a second chance to find love.   I pray that all of those who lost their homes and loved ones in Oklahoma on Monday will find the strength and courage to believe in second chances   I think my inclination to photograph this as a silhouette may have to do with the…

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140/365 Where I Live

140/365 Where I Live

“Home IS Where My Heart Is” Just as I finished taking this photo yesterday, the news of the terrible devastation in Oklahoma started pouring in.  It felt wrong to post a picture of my home when so many people had lost not only their homes but their children and loved ones.  My prayers are with all those whose lives have been torn apart by Brother Wind.  May God give them strength, courage, love and a sense of community as they…

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