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Category: Capture Your 365

158/365 Three of a Kind

158/365 Three of a Kind

“Hope, Peace and Love” This is the bell tower at the Cathedral of Hope taken through a window from the Dallas Peace Chapel.   On the first Friday of each month, I play for a Taize service at the Peace Chapel.  It is a beautiful space in which to play as well as to just be.  I love playing for this service; even though I have to pay close attention because of my responsibilities as a musician, I am always…

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157/365 Sunset Reflected in Water

157/365 Sunset Reflected in Water

“Reflecting On A Ducky Day” Weber, Brooke and I went out for Greek food tonight.  It was delicious.  We then headed to the park so that I could take the day’s picture – a sunset reflected in water.  We have had rain off and on today, but it was clear this evening.  Unfortunately, the sunset was nothing spectacular.  I was distracted by all of the cute ducklings strolling around the park.  This little guy captured not only my attention, but…

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156/354 Documented

156/354 Documented

“Lunchtime Wimp” I am a wimp . . . and this is my lunch. I am teaching Summer I this year and today was the first day of school.  I have classes from 9:40-11:40 and 11:50-1:50/  Last night I was whining about the fact that I have no time for lunch.   When I got up this morning, I found these “power” muffins that Brooks had made for me.  They are full of oatmeal, oat bran, flaxseed and blueberries all…

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155/365 Negative Space

155/365 Negative Space

“The Daily Grind” Weber’s dad was an attorney for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.  This pencil sharpener, which is probably nearly as old as I am,  sat on his desk at work.  It now sits on ours at home.  This is a great pencil sharpener!  It’s sturdy and its little knob on the handle is real wood!  There is no plastic or parts to burn out  on this.  And, its opening is big enough for Weber’s “My First Ticonderoga” pencil –…

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154/365 Dandelion

154/365 Dandelion

“A is for Apricot”  . . . and D is for dandelion as well as for my success with today’s prompt.  There were no dandelions anywhere in our neighborhood today.  I remembered that I had taken a picture of a dandelion awhile back on a day when the prompt had something to do with flowers in the garden or something like that.  I looked back through my archives to find that picture.  It was taken on February 17th!  It doesn’t…

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153/365 Converted

153/365 Converted

“Let Me Entertain You” All the kids were here for dinner tonight.  I didn’t have to cook a thing!  I did, however, have to clean the kitchen, but I would have had to do that if I had cooked so it worked out well. In the process of the evening’s discussion, Offspring No. 2, who works in childcare, was ranting about how kids these days can’t entertain themselves for more than thirty seconds at a time.  The girls were remembering…

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152/365 Signs of Summer

152/365 Signs of Summer

“Do Pass and Go Directly to Summer Vacation!” This week is Weber’s last week of school.  They have finals all week long.  The kids are done on Thursday and the teachers on Friday.  Lucky them!  I have been off for two weeks but because I am teaching Summer I, I go back to school on Wednesday.  That is kind of a downer thought right t the moment.

151/365 Sunglasses

151/365 Sunglasses

 “TGIF!” It’s Friday, the last day of the work week and the day of the month of May.  It is also my last week off before starting summer school next week.  I could have done without that realization!  Oh well, it is only five weeks.  It will go quickly. We had a fun evening with friends tonight – pizza, fireworks and ice cream.  Good, clean, adult fun.   Carrollton, the city adjacent to us is turning 100.  To celebrate they…

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150/365 A Butterfly

150/365 A Butterfly

“Not A Butterfly” . . . but pretty nonetheless.   I noticed today that first of our day lilies has bloomed.  These are my favorite!  I love the shape and I especially love their color.

149/365 A Smile

149/365 A Smile

“A Family That Smiles Together . . . .” Today was a great day to capture smiles at our house.  Brooke is home with us to stay.  Yah!  We spent her first day back shopping and eating.  What better way to celebrate a homecoming?  Before Erin and Edgar headed off to work this evening, all three of the kids agreed to help me out with today’s prompt.  It was even fairly easy to get Brooke in front of the camera….

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