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Category: Capture Your 365

24/365-3 Who and What

24/365-3 Who and What

“Harley’s Bath Day” Thanks to the warm weather and the help of her human big sister, Harley had a bath today.  I am absolutely sure that this is not how she would have chosen to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon given a choice.

23/365-2 On the Third

23/365-2 On the Third

“Cheese” The intended subject for today’s prompt was a landscape.  we were to intentional place the horizon.  A landscape photo was not happening for me today; I had way too many other things to be doing and did not have time to go out looking.  Fortunately, I got a lot of landscape practice last weekend in Delaware. I could have cheated a little and used one of the photos that I took over the weekend.  I was torn between following…

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22/365-3 Color Blocking

22/365-3 Color Blocking

“My New Jacket” For Christmas I asked for a North Face Denali jacket.  I didn’t specify a color, but anyone willing to spend the money to buy me this jacket knows me well enough to know that I would definitely want blue.  In doing his Christmas shopping, Weber discover that North Face has an option where you can design your own jacket – choose the polar fleece color, the nylon, the zippers, the stitching, and they include an embroidered personal…

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21/365-2 Play or Meal?

21/365-2 Play or Meal?

Geodesic Gnome Dome Food photography is not my forte.  And, I am a firm believer that bad food photography is the worst kind of bad photography.  Every time a prompt surfaces that involves food, I tend to think, think, rethink, and overthink…as was the case today.  To make matters worse, today’s prompt implied that the food shot should be a clever…oh great. I thought about it for awhile.  The picture below is my response.  It is a take on something…

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20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

“Stability” I am focused on this week’s overarching photo theme of balance. Weber is pretty good about talking sense into me when I am way off base, he’ll hold my hand to keep me from straying too far off the path, and he’ll stand with me to help me stay grounded. Trust me, all of that is hard work! As classes started today with my ridiculous teaching load and I am still in the midst of settling my dad’s affairs,…

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18/365-3 Balance

18/365-3 Balance

“Balance and Sacrifice” We are in Delaware going through all of the stuff in my dad’s house. It was my grandparents so there is two generations and then some of family “stuff” here. I am trying to make decisions about what to keep for me and for my girls, what to donate, what to auction, and what to get rid of. I am doing my best to be realistic about what we can use and what we have room for…

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16/365-3 Snowflakes

16/365-3 Snowflakes

“Snow Geese”” According to my Garmin Vivosmart wristband, I had one hour and fifty-four minutes of sleep last last.  I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I spent most of the day working on material for my new joint blog project (  That meant that at midnight last night I was just beginning to pack for our weekend trip to Delaware. We had a 5am flight, which meant getting up at 2:30am to leave for the airport by 3:15.  We had…

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15/365-3 First Taste

15/365-3 First Taste

“Sunshine and Steps” Today was the first day that we have had a taste of sunshine in many days.  It is also the first day that I have ventured out for a “real” walk since before Christmas when I broke my leg.  It was so nice to get outside in some fresh, though brisk, air and get some exercise.  I so enjoyed my walk to the grocery store.  My leg was not as happy as the rest of me, but…

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