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Category: Capture Your 365

168/365 Splash

168/365 Splash

“Uncontained Passion” Today’s prompt was intended to be a splash at the beach or pool, a picture of summer water fun.  That wasn’t happening around here.  We did, however, have a brief afternoon downpour.  I grabbed a clear bowl and set it out to collect the rain.  I managed a few splashes as the bowl filled. And yes, I’m obviously still on my quote kick.

166/365 From the Side

166/365 From the Side

‘Close Your Eyes, Mom!” I am definitely not skilled at applying make-up, especially the overdone make-up that is necessary when one is on stage under bright stage lights.  I had to enlist the girls as both consultants as to what to do and then have the do the application as well.  It took both of them working their magic to get it done. Today’s prompt’s title is a little misleading.  Though it only says from the side, the additional instructions…

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165/365 Stars and Stripes

165/365 Stars and Stripes

“Tower of Solar Power” Happy Flag Day, everyone.   As you can see, this is not a picture of stars and stripes.  Despite the fact that I had a dress rehearsal tonight for a concert that consists entirely of patriotic music, I failed to get a photo containing stars and stripes. This is a photo of Museum Tower taken from inside the Dallas City Performance Hall in the arts district of downtown Dallas.  This tower is at the center of…

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164/365 Sand

164/365 Sand

“Reach for the Stars” North Texas is not exactly known for its sandy beaches.  And, today started with a 5:45 am call for Resounding Harmony as we were lucky to have a spot to sing on a local morning TV show to help promote our concert this weekend.  Then I had to teach and then go to the dermatologist.  With the way today played out, there was no time or energy to go hunting for sand.  This little cactus pictured…

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163/365 Relax

163/365 Relax

“Oh to Have the Life of the Cat” The cat is the only one around here right now who seems to have time to relax.  Between summer school and several concerts in the next two weeks, I barely have time to check my calendar to figure out where I am supposed to be next let alone to have even a minute to relax. This spot on the back of the arm chair in our bedroom is the cat’s favorite spot….

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162/365 Two

162/365 Two

“Hands” For whatever reason, I had a hard time with today’s photo.  You would think that photographing “two” would be a simple task; our lives are filled with things that come in twos.  I just was not thrilled with anything that crossed my mind.  When I thought about photographing two pennies as my two cents worth, I realized that I had better just be happy with something before sarcasm completely took over.   I resorted to quotes for a little…

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161/365 Something Found

161/365 Something Found

“Birthday Boy and His Book” Though today was Weber’s birthday, there wasn’t much celebrating around here.  He is not much of a party guy.  Brooke made a small cake – orange spice with fig jam between the layers and we went out to our favorite Italian dive restaurant for dinner.  The birthday gifts were equally as low key.  I did find a copy of The Gospel According to Peanuts, a book that he had had previously that went missing.

160/365 Remote Control

160/365 Remote Control

‘Still Playing!” I credit Pac-Man with my success as an undergraduate student.  It was my stress release, my therapy, my exercise, my entertainment.  I was addicted and this addiction served me well.  Almost every night after practicing clarinet and piano for four hours, I would head to the Mr. Gatti’s Pizza across the street from the music building and play a quarter’s worth of Pac-Man.  That sounds reasonable, right?  Well, it really wasn’t.  I could play for several hours on…

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159/365 Starburst

159/365 Starburst

“Nuns on the Bus” I thought everyone knew about the nuns on the bus, but apparently I was wrong.  Weber and I had dinner with the rest of our family last night and shared that we had been to see the nuns on the bus as they travelled through Dallas yesterday afternoon.  They all looked at us and said “Who?”  That is when I realized that we watched way too much liberal TV during the last election.  MSNBC was all…

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