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Category: Capture Your 365

189/365 One Flower

189/365 One Flower

“Crepe Myrtle” I probably shouldn’t say this, but I am getting tired of taking and looking at pictures of flowers.  Don’t get my wrong, I think flowers are beautiful, but there comes a point where I just want to enjoy the real thing rather than photograph them.  The only reason that I attempted today’s prompt rather than going off on my own tangent was that it encouraged us to photograph a single flower from a different or unique perspective.  …

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188/365 Seven

188/365 Seven

“Order Number 7” Offspring No. 1 is the least helpful of my family members when it comes to being the subject of one of my pictures of the day.  Today she had no choice.  We went out for dinner and our order number was seven.  Because she is not in many of my photos, she got the honor of holding our table tracker in front of the camera.  You can tell from the expression on her face that she was…

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187/365 Blue Sky

187/365 Blue Sky

“Saturday Morning in Cowtown” I had to be in Fort Worth this morning at 9am for a presentation at a conference.  Though it is only thirty miles from our house to Fort Worth, the traffic and road construction between here and there often make it seem much further.  To be on the safe side, we left way early.  Since it was 7am on a Saturday morning there was virtually no traffic on the highways, which made the tangle of construction…

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185/365 Fireworks

185/365 Fireworks

“Faulty Fireworks” No, there was nothing wrong with the fireworks that we saw.  They were pretty good.  Our city had its fireworks display last night.  It was a fun comity celebration with music and fun.  And best of all, it was free! I was excited to try and get some decent fireworks shot.  I have not been very successful with this in the past.  Now I know why. This morning, after I had taken a bunch of less than impressive…

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184/365 Contrast

184/365 Contrast

“Contrast” So what is it that makes someone think that taking a photograph of a sprinkler is even remotely interesting?  I’m not sure what the answer to that question is.  I do know, however, that as I walked up the sidewalk to school this morning I was immediately struck for some reason by this image.  In reality, there was more of the “rainbow” visible; that may be one of the aspects that drew my attention.  Another may be the shape…

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183/365 Whiskers

183/365 Whiskers

“Discount Whiskers” What is it about beards that they are the first thing to go gray?   Weber’s gray beard is good for getting us senior discounts from (very young) food service workers.  Some of these discounts he, not me, is eligible for, others not so much.  His whiskers look even lighter here because they are lit by the screen on his laptop.

182/365 Half Way

182/365 Half Way

“Ready to Dig In!” Today marks the half way point through 2013 and my first year of Capture Your 365.  I am proud to say that I have taken and posted a picture every single day for the past 182 days.  I wasn’t sure that I would make it this far.  There have been days and nights where I have barely had the time and or energy to do that things that absolutely had to be done yet somehow I…

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181/365 Wings

181/365 Wings

“Welcome Home” The only wings that I saw today were the wings of planes as we made our way from Minneapolis back to Dallas.  And, I never even had a good shot at a photo of these.  I love airports – people watching, and photographing the travel experience, but it just didn’t happen today.  The prompt was intended to inspire photos of insects.  I didn’t see any of those either.  I guess that I should be thankful that I didn’t…

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180/365 Dark Background

180/365 Dark Background

“Franciscan Spirit” I have been at a gathering of Franciscans all week.  There is been much serious discussion, most of which about the Doctrine of Discovery.  But tonight, we had an evening of Franciscan fun.  Three of our former Minister Provincials went head to head in a game of Jeopardy in which all of the questions pertained to St. Francis.  The categories were Francis’ Biography, The Principles (of the Order), The Devotional Companion, The Franciscan Calendar and Cast of Characters….

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