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Category: Capture Your 365

199/385 A Source of Happiness

199/385 A Source of Happiness

“Eat, Drink and Be Happy” I am blessed that there are so many, many things in my life that not only make me happy but bring me great joy.  Most of those things I photograph often.  I decided today to head toward the silly rather than the serious side of things that bring me happiness.  This is not to belittle the prompt but to attempt to document all the little quirky things that make me, me. For the most part,…

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198/365 Begins With “S”

198/365 Begins With “S”

“S is for Strawberry” I waited way to late in the day for this one – after choir rehearsal and a few beers at a local night spot with choir members as we celebrated our last rehearsal before leaving on Monday for our two week tour in England.

196/365 Old and New

196/365 Old and New

“Old and New” Last night we met some friends for dinner down in the Bishop Arts district in Oak Cliff.  This is a funky neighborhood that has been totally revitalized over the past several years.  It has gone from a run down section of town to a lively hot spot for specialty shops and dining.  For those of you not from Texas, Oak Cliff is home to the Texas Theater, famous for being the location where Lee Harvey Oswald was…

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195/365 Cropped

195/365 Cropped

“Kruisin”” This month’s self portrait was to be a cropped photo.  I’m good with that; no pictures of my face! You get my feet on my Krazy Kruiser.  And when the shot is taken from behind, you can’t tell how big my feet really are!  Krazy Kruisers are very cool three-wheeled scooters that are powered by shifting your weight from side to side at the hips.  Since I don’t have much hip action to speak of, it took me a…

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194/365 Stacked

194/365 Stacked

Rather than today’s picture of the day being the first in the series as is usually the case here, today it will be the last one.  You’ll have to make it through this series of pictures, imagining some missing parts, to fully appreciate the ending.Once upon a time there was a panicked bride.  On the Wednesday before the Saturday she was getting married, the source for her wedding cake informed her that she would not be able to make her…

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191/365 Ordinary Moment

191/365 Ordinary Moment

“Ordinary Anniversary” Today is our anniversary.  When asked how long we have been married, our typical response is “forty-six years but only three to each other.”  We had a short conversation about what we wanted to do to celebrate and came to the conclusion that we are pretty happy with our ordinary days and didn’t really want or feel the need to do anything special. I gave my last final exam of the summer term this morning.  Weber picked me…

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