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Category: Capture Your 365

222/365 Natural

222/365 Natural

“What You See Is What You Get” Today is my least favorite day of the Capture Your 365 month – self portrait day.  Not only did the prompt call for a self portrait, but it was to be a self portrait au natural,  no make-up or fancy stuff.  Can this get much more miserable?  We also had friends in town this weekend so I did not have a whole lot of time to give to this.  That may have been…

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220/365 Camera Love

220/365 Camera Love

“Anam Ca(me)ra” Though I have a lot of stuff, particularly books, I really am not a materialistic person.  Most of the things that I have I could give away or do without very easily.  Over the past couple of years, however, my camera has become the big exception here.  If I had to give it up, it would be like losing a piece of my soul.  I am passionate about photography and, if I am to be honest, I have…

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218/365 Personable

218/365 Personable

“Martin” Meet Martin.  He was our bus driver for the two weeks that we were on tour in England.  Not only was he an amazing bus driver, he is an all-around good guy.  He was always cheerful and patient.  He also went way beyond the call of duty – retrieving items that people had left in previous places, using his personal time to scout out eating spots for us when we had tight schedules and risking a ticket to drop…

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217/365 Dainty

217/365 Dainty

“Arrival” We arrived home safely from England.  Though there seemed to be signs of heightened security in the airports, the process and the flight were fine.  I am tired, but it is a good tired, the kind of tired where you know you had fun, you are glad to be home, but would do it all again given the chance. I was too tired to give too much thought or energy to today’s picture.  I found these few things as…

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216/365 At Eye Level

216/365 At Eye Level

“Bob, Bokeh and Big Ben” You may remember that my intention at the outset of this trip was to photograph Bob every place that we went.  As it turned out, that was a little unrealistic.  Every place was so crowded that taking the time to set up silly shots with him was not feasible so I had to let that idea go.  I am kind of sad about that, but it is what it is.  Tonight, on our last night…

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215/365 An Outline

215/365 An Outline

“Bridge At Dark” We had the entire day free in London . . .and so did a billion other people, it seems.  The city was wall to wall people and wall to wall bicycles.  London is hosting a two day bike rally this weekend so the streets, many of which are closed to motorists, are crawling with cyclists.  Im not sure I have ever seen this many people in one place. We attempted to go the Westminster Abbey this morning…

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214/365 A Sign

214/365 A Sign

“A Sign” I think that this is a sign that someone is ready to go! We spent Friday in Canterbury.  The day had a stressful start in that we ran into a traffic snag between London and Canterbury that caused us to arrive at the cathedral with no time to rehearse or even warm-up much for our midday concert.  We did sing a few notes on the bus on the way.  The cathedral is the Mother Church of the Anglican…

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213/365 Adventure

213/365 Adventure

“Not Eye, Says I!” We arrived in London this evening after a day of travel.  We packed up and left Bristol this morning with our first stop being Stonehenge.  It looks exactly like all the pictures you have ever scene. I wish that we could have seen it either at sunrise or sunset.  Unfortunately we were there in the middle of the morning with thousands of other tourists.  I could help myself and had to play with some filters just…

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212/365 Inspire

212/365 Inspire

Stairway to Heaven” These are the steps leading to the Chapter Room at Wells Cathedral.  They are hundreds and hundreds of years old.  The countless feet that have traveled up and down have caused their unevenness. The Chapter Room Wells Cathedral

211/365 Intent

211/365 Intent

“The Quire at Bristol Cathedral” Our intent was to sing a beautiful Evensong. The acoustics at Bristol cathedral were stunning.  Every place we sang in this building made us sound just amazing  It was truly a gift to have the opportunity to sing in such a place.  And the verger in charge of us was great!  Not only was she an American, she had lived in Texas for five years!  When she came to get us in the cloister before…

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