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Category: Capture Your 365

242/365 Smack

242/365 Smack

“Puppy Love” Today’s prompt was “bump.”  Elaboration on that was given as jolt, crash or smack.  Thankfully I did not have anything in my day that could be described by any of those words.  I had a day at home.  I did do some work, but it was at a leisurely pace and did not require that I be dressed by 7 am.   We spent this evening with friends.  It was a wonderful evening during which we shared a…

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241/365 Fashion Statement

241/365 Fashion Statement

“Hell on Heels” We have already established here that I have no fashion sense.  Clothes at best are a necessity and are at worst an encumbrance.  Therefore, I knew that I was going to be searching for a willing participant to help me with today’s photo.  Brooke is definitely the one in our family who uses clothing to make a statement. We always kid her about her shoes.  She already towers over all of us by a couple of inches…

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240/365 Rust

240/365 Rust

“Handle on the Past” This shovel has been around here for a long time.  It has dug many holes and shoveled many piles.  Though it is a bit weathered and rusted, it is sturdy and has many more chores left in its lifetime.

239/365 With Seeds

239/365 With Seeds

“Chance and Necessity” It is hatch chili season and we have about ten pounds of them.  As I write this, Brooke is roasting them so that they can soon become sauce for enchiladas or some other such goodness.  

238/365 Green

238/365 Green

“First Day 47” Today was my 47th first day of school.  Every year since beginning kindergarten at age 4, I have had a first day of school.  Some were as a student, some have been as a faculty member and then there were those as a graduate teaching fellow where I had one foot in each camp. Since our school color is green and the campus map shown here was a big part of life on campus today as our…

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237/365 The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

237/365 The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

“A Tisket, A Tasket … …  a shadow and a basket” I wish that I had had more time to look for things for this prompt.  It is a great mental challenge to try and find interesting perspectives and parts of seemingly uninteresting things to photograph.  This is a laundry basket casting its shadow in the afternoon sun.

236/365 Steps

236/365 Steps

“Saturday Sunset” What does this have to do with steps? Umm … they both start with “S”?  Finding an opportunity of a photo that included steps wasn’t happening today.  This is what was happening and thus is the picture of the day. I learned that sunsets are hard, at least for me, to photograph such that they are as beautiful in the photo as they are firsthand.

235/365 Landscape

235/365 Landscape

‘Summer Parked” There are lots of great things about Dallas, but its beautiful landscape is not one of them.  Cityscape?  Maybe, but definitely not landscape.  With today’s prompt being a local landscape, I was at a loss.  I finally decided, almost too late in the day,  that we do have lots of parks that provide a nice respite from the concrete and glass that covers most of the city. I took several photos of this expansive park.  In the end,…

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234/365 Abundant

234/365 Abundant

“Lots of Loaves” The girls are trying to test their recipes in preparation for starting their own baking business.  For now they are taking orders from their friends.  Today Brooke made several kinds of mini loaves to offer as samples.  They look good and they smell really good but they don’t see the need to add a taste tester to their staff so I have not had any of today’s product.  Today’s breads are oatmeal and cinnamon raisin.  The truth is…

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