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Category: Capture Your 365

263/365 Power Lines

263/365 Power Lines

“Power lines – Lifelines” Today was a day of choices.  I’m not sure that I made the best ones, but I am happy with the ones I made.  I had a bunch of work to do for school.  I unconsciously made the choice not to do any of it today.  I say subconsciously because throughout the day I kept saying, “I’ll do this, then I’ll grade tests.”  With this tactic, I managed to read a bit, do some laundry, clean…

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262/365 Morning Light

262/365 Morning Light

“School Day Sun” I had to scramble for a photo today.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach from 7:30 am to 1. That doesn’t allow for much opportunity to photograph the morning sun.  It was barely up as we headed for school.  I managed to grab this shot with my phone as I quickly made my way through the hall at school.  I bet we don’t have too many students who know that there is this beautiful stream of light…

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261/365 Sugar and Spice

261/365 Sugar and Spice

“To Be Me Or Not To Be Me” I’m not sure whether I’m in a creative slump, a creative surge or maybe just a state of rebellion.  For the last couple days I haven’t been able to think inside the box with the daily prompts.  You would think that with all of the cooking that goes on around here that I would have been able to come up with something good for “sugar and spice.”  Everything that I thought of…

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259/365 What’s In Your Bag

259/365 What’s In Your Bag

‘Does Anyone Have A Pen? The point of today’s prompt was to document the things that you carry around in your purse or bag every day.  As I mentioned a few weeks ago with the “back to school” prompt, I don’t carry a purse; I carry a backpack.  My backpack is full of stuff that is useful and necessary, but necessarily photo worthy.  I don’t want pictures of all the papers I need to grade, or the binders of lessons,…

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258/365 Relax

258/365 Relax

“Sunday Soak” This photo is one of wishful thinking . . .if I had had time to relax, this is what I would have done.  Time soaking in the hot tub is good for both my body and my spirit. Today was a full day of church and singing, regular Sunday services this morning and then a beautiful Choral Evensong this evening followed by dinner with a dear friend.  Though it was not particularly relaxing, it was a good day….

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257/365 Typical

257/365 Typical

“September Saturday Selfie” The second Saturday of the month, self portrait day.   I had a busy day that began with a rehearsal this morning and ended with a concert this evening at school. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get a selfie done.  These usually stress me out anyway; add to that a full day and it becomes a bad mix.  But, I knew I needed to do it. I went outside this afternoon to check the…

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256/365 On the Table

256/365 On the Table

“The 13th Table” Many of the people who are part of the Capture Your 365 community are avid and very talented scrapbookers.  Yesterday many people posted scrapbook type collages as a documentation of the details of their day.  It was cool to see an entire day in snapshots.  Because I worked from home today, I decided that I would give the collage thing a try. I had tons of work to gone done today and most of that was going…

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255/365 Details of the Day

255/365 Details of the Day

“Real Life” It doesn’t get much more real than this during the evenings at our house.  Sad, but true.  Since we both usually have work to do at night, it is nice that we share a home office.  If we didn’t, we’d never see each other!

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