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Category: Capture Your 365

273/365 The End

273/365 The End

“The End, The Beginning, The Present” It is hard to believe that this is already the last day of September.  Time is just flying by.  I don’t like it!  However, I do love this time of year.  Fall is my favorite season – watching nature slow down and get ready to rest, seeing the beautiful bare forms of the trees,  basking in all the orange of the falling leaves  and the flowers and, of course, the pumpkins, breathing in the…

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272/365 Puppy Dog Eyes

272/365 Puppy Dog Eyes

“Mama’s Boy” My boy is getting really gray; he will be nine in another month.  He still has quite a bit of energy for dancing for his dinner (or any other food he thinks that he might get), playing frisbee and chasing the cat every now and then.  Interestingly, he will not work too hard at keeping Harley from stealing his rawhide bone.  He is definitely a gentle giant. Today, Adidas worked hard at keeping me from taking his picture….

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271/365 In Disguise

271/365 In Disguise

“Whatever…” There is no disguise here, but the prompt also suggested the use of props and being goofy.  I think we got that:-)  The jury is still out on whether the “whatever” is intended for the person on the other end of the phone or me for pointing the camera at her yet again.  I’m fairly sure I know what the verdict is.  Whatever…

270/365 Bubbles

270/365 Bubbles

“Bokeh Bubbles” I love to take bubble pictures; therefore, throughout this year I have already taken many of them.  I was trying to think of a different, somewhat creative approach to today’s prompt.  I finally came up with an idea, but never quite got to it during the day.   When Weber got home, just in case that idea didn’t materialize, we went outside to try some of the “normal” bubble shots.  I quickly discovered that it was more windy…

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268/365 Notes

268/365 Notes

“Notes, Notes and More Notes” I like writing this kind of notes…not nearly as depressing as all of the notes that I have to write to myself so that I don’t forget what I’m supposed to do, where I’m supposed to do it and who I’m supposed to do it with or for.

267/365 Get Wet

267/365 Get Wet

“Fall Fountain” I’m in a creative slump they week.  Nothing seems terribly inspired or inspiring.  I know that all artists have these times, but I don’t particularly like the feel of it.  That being said, I’m soldiering on hoping that the creative fire is rekindled soon! I had a composition student who was sick and missed a lesson this morning.  That gave me a free hour that I did not expect to have.  There were many productive things that I…

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265/365 Change

265/365 Change

“The Twilight Zone” I am not happy with Apple right now.  The changes that have come with iOS7 have made me quite an unhappy camper – and phone user.  Well, that is not exactly true; I have not yet updated my phone.  Weber updated his.  Thankfully I looked at the changes on his before I made the decision to update mine. I am not one of those people that is resistant to change just because it is change.  I am…

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