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Category: Capture Your 365

283/365 Spider Web

283/365 Spider Web

“More Spider Than Web” This is not the photo that I was hoping for today.  I had images in my mind of a beautifully symmetrical web coated with dew glistening in the morning sun – preferably one where the spider was not at home.  As you can clearly see, I did not get that picture.  As the saying goes, “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans.”  This is what life had planned for me today. As I…

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281/365 Reflection

281/365 Reflection

“Trees” I guess this is officially my picture of the day because it is the one that is a more accurate response to the day’s prompt – photograph a reflection in water.  I do like the symmetry of this; I think I might like it even better in black and white.  Hmmm, something to try.  I did not see the heron when I was taking the photo so he/she is a little obscured.  Oh well… I really like photo below. …

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279/365 Harvest

279/365 Harvest

“Making Applesauce” I wish that I could say that I had harvested these apples from my orchard to make applesauce.  Sadly, I did not.  I had to settle for the apples at the grocery store, which are good right now since wee are in the midst of apple season.  I decided to make a small batch of applesauce this afternoon.  Applesauce is one of my favorite things.  It fills the bill when I want something sweet and it is good…

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278/365 Storm Clouds

278/365 Storm Clouds

“Rain and Bales” It finally feels like fall today!  The temperatures didn’t make it above 70; the skies were gray; there was a breeze; and tonight, it finally rained.  To me, the weather today was just perfect. Weber and I went to see Robert Reich’s movie Inequality for All this afternoon.  It attempts to explain how this country has ended up in the economic mess in which we find ourselves.  The movie is exceptionally well done.  It looks at many…

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277/365 Two Become One

277/365 Two Become One

“A Duet” Today’s prompt is a little misleading taken out of the context of the monthly list.  It sounds romantic, but in reality, it’s technical.  The task was to combine two images into one.  The two photos here are a bagpiper that I saw on the street when we were in London over the summer and a photo taken today of the newest addition to my mini figure collection.   Creating this stretched my post-processing abilities.  I definitely learned a…

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276/365 Everyday

276/365 Everyday

“Where I Spend My Weekdays” MOst of my weekdays are spent at school.  Sometimes it really does feel like a home away from home. I work with wonderful people and have the privilege of teaching great students.  In both respects, I am very lucky and I try never to take that for granted. I am grateful for today’s prompt because it encouraged me to document this place where I spend so much time.  I walk this hall a hundred times…

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275/365 Seasonal Color

275/365 Seasonal Color

“What Season Is It? I had very little time and very little inspiration for today’s photo.  The temperatures are still in the nineties and none of the trees are looking like fall yet.  In a quick thirty minute trip to the park between school and dinner and before choir rehearsal (when the light was all wrong for taking pictures), the best I could find was this still blooming rosebush surrounded by some bright orange leaves. Looks like seasonal color to…

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274/365 Hats Off

274/365 Hats Off

“Hats Off” I’m all for any prompt that affords me the opportunity to photograph Weber and his hat.   I think that I should be tipping my hat to him for all that he puts up with in my attempts not to miss a day of photographs.  Every night involves time spent going through the day’s pictures and selecting “the one.”  Then there is post processing.  I try to do minimal post processing but I always have to resize in…

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