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Category: Capture Your 365

293/365 Begins With “P”

293/365 Begins With “P”

“Playing With Mrs. Pota….Pumpkin Head” I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. – Henry David Thoreau – I love this man!  How can you not when he speaks such wisdom?  I guess this means that he would not have been interested in sharing that 10×10 cabin in the woods with me.  

292/365 Golden

292/365 Golden

‘A Golden Day at the Fair” It was a beautiful fall day (finally!) and we went to the state fair.  I didn’t take as many pictures as I would have liked and very few of the ones I did take had anything golden in them.  The truth is, most of the things at the State Fair of Texas that come anywhere near being golden are that way as the result of being deep fried.  I am happy to say that…

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291/365 Patience

291/365 Patience

“Technical Patience” I have patience with a lot of things, but technology is not one of them.  I want my phone, the technology at school and my computer at home to work how I want it all how I want it to work and when I need it to work.  When technology does not perform as I expect it should, I become frustrated very quickly.  Weber is just the opposite.  He will spend hours trying to find out exactly what…

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290/365 Different Angle

290/365 Different Angle

“Ode to the Laundry Basket” My brain is fried – I’ve had way too many things pulling me in way too many different directions lately. You know you are in trouble when you wonder what it would be like to live at the bottom of the laundry basket, where people are constantly tossing their dirty clothes at you.  You know its time to call a professional when you are determined to figure it out!   You know you are curious…

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289/365 Forgotten

289/365 Forgotten

“Corner Store” As is always the case on Wednesdays, my time for accomplishing the daily photo is very limited.  The thing that came to mind (and that was convenient because it is on the way to choir rehearsal) was this empty corner store.  It sits on a fairly busy corner, but it houses no businesses.  The more I thought about the notion of the building being forgotten, I realized that this corner store is symbolic of something much bigger that…

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288/365 Creepy

288/365 Creepy

“Not So Creepy” I learned today that photographing creepy is definitely not my forte.  I always consider it a good day when I learn something new.

287/365 Around the Corner

287/365 Around the Corner

“Around” The intended goal for today was to focus on roads or paths and their leading lines.  I figured I would take a walk on my favorite walking path that is not far from home.  It has a lot of foliage and often nice reflections in the water.  I walked along a took a few photos from various spots, but nothing felt right.  I don’t know if this was because the skies were gray and overcast, weather which I really…

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286/365 Tradition

286/365 Tradition

“Happy Dance” After church and a nice brunch at our favorite local cafe, Weber and I went to the Santa Fe Days celebration in Carrollton.  Relatively speaking, this is a small festival, but one that is enjoyable and was manageable in the little bit of time we had before Resounding Harmony rehearsal this afternoon. Artists of all kinds had booths filled with Native American paintings, jewelry, weavings, photographs, food and public service information the culture.  There were also drummers and…

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285/365 Close

285/365 Close

“Saturday Morning” It is the second Saturday of the month; that means that it is self portrait Saturday.  Woohoo! Not!  And, to make matters worse, I woke up with a horrible headache, the kind the makes morning look worse than shopping on Black Friday.  I wasn’t the least bit hungry, but I was counting on a cup of coffee to at least help dull the pain. “Caffeine: The Drug of Choice” This is the look of someone who has not…

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284/365 Red Pull

284/365 Red Pull

“Red Pull” It has been one of those weeks – full of the the normal stuff that drains my energy and a few extra things that drained all of my reserves as well.  All of this has left me exhausted and in a “not very good” mood.   I went to school with Weber this morning because I am going to be serving as a mentor for kids at his school.  I am looking forward to the opportunity and the…

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