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Category: Capture Your 365

333/365 Grateful for Legacy

333/365 Grateful for Legacy

“Buttons” It’s funny where the mind goes when you think of legacy.  My first thought was to cookbooks.  Though I don’t have any of my mother’s cookbooks, I do have some recipe cards that she made for me that are in her handwriting.  I also have Weber’s mother’s cookbook, the one with all of the handwritten favorites on scraps of paper and those recipes cut from packages, magazines and newspapers.  Every family has a cookbook like this.  They are treasures…

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332/365 Grateful for My Life

332/365 Grateful for My Life

“The Sweet Spot” I did a terrible job of photographing our Thanksgiving!  I didn’t even pick up my camera until almost all was said and done.  I’m not sure how that happened.  However, in many ways, this picture sums up our Thanksgiving fairly well. Erin appointed herself the mastermind of this year’s celebration.  We all gathered at the house in Denton.  This arrangement took a lot of pressure off of me – no major cleaning!  Erin assigned all of us…

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331/365 Grateful for Home Made

331/365 Grateful for Home Made

“Grateful for Bread” Since Brooke has been home with us, and even more since the girls started their bread baking business, we never have a shortage of freshly baked bread.  For me, the carbohydrate addict, this is like heaven on earth.  I, however, do not take this abundance of bread for granted.  It is a spiritual thing to watch all of the ingredients, separate as they are, come together into these beautiful loaves.  The process is sometimes long and rather…

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329/365 Grateful for Relationships

329/365 Grateful for Relationships

“Second Chances” Brooke’s Kitchen Aide mixer decided that it had mixed enough bread and ceased to play nicely with her.   Not to be defeated by a mixer, Brooke turned to the Internet to see if she could diagnose its exact ailment.  Based on her findings, she decided that it needed a new gear.  She found the parts and ordered them online. They arrived yesterday and today was surgery day for “Matilda.”  Brooke managed to get everything taken apart except for…

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328/365 Grateful for Contentment

328/365 Grateful for Contentment

“Contentment” After church this morning, we came home to a nice calm rest of the day.  With the cold temperatures it seemed a perfect day for a nap and then a big pot of chili.  Content does indeed describe how I have felt today.  Despite that, I struggled with a photo.  I’ll just have to be content with what I got.

327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

‘It Will Take Two” Winter has finally hit Dallas!  We spent the morning running errands.  Despite the chilly temperatures, we decided that when we got home we try to take a few pictures of us together.  This is always tricky interns of camera settings and focus, kind of like the selfies.  Today it was more than tricky; it was pretty much a disaster. I’m not sure what my problem was, but my camera and I definitely were not one with…

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326/365 Grateful for Wide Open Spaces

326/365 Grateful for Wide Open Spaces

“My Bundled Up Baby” Texas is full of wide open spaces but I wasn’t going to go in search of one of them to photograph today.  The weather here was cold and rainy and just plain yucky to be out in.  My baby did come see me tonight and I couldn’t resist taking a picture of her all bundled up for our first cold snap of the year.  

325/365 Grateful for Boundless Spirit

325/365 Grateful for Boundless Spirit

“Life Touched” This month’s Inspired class prompt is hands.  Yesterday while teaching a composition lesson I was stuck by the juxtaposition of my hand (top left) with that of my student’s.  All I had was my phone, but with permission I snapped this shot.  As I thought about today’s prompt, boundless spirit, this image resonated with me as being a perfect depiction for several reasons. Personally, it speaks of my deep love of teaching and of music.  It also speaks…

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