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Category: Capture Your 365

11/365-2 In Good Hands

11/365-2 In Good Hands

“Book In Hands” Today was a beautiful day, nearly 70 degrees.  It would have been a great day to go somewhere and enjoy being outside.  Unfortunately, our daily agenda didn’t include any outdoor plans.  My morning began at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned.  Weber and I went out for breakfast afterwards and then I got my hair cut.  Even at that, the chores weren’t done.  I had to come home and finish making baptismal stoles for church tomorrow.  Then…

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10/365-2 A Doorway

10/365-2 A Doorway

“Knock, Knock…Who’s There?” Lucky for this one whose favorite thing to do these days is to run in and out and in and out and…. checking on the squirrels in the backyard, there is someone here to answer her when she knocks.

8/365 Blue

8/365 Blue

 “Blue – Only On the Outside” Today should have been an easy day as far as the daily prompt goes.  Blue.  Blue is my favorite color.  I love blue. Blue anything.  I have lots and lots of blue things.  That is where the difficulties started.  What direction to go?  What to choose?  Rather than make a real choice,  I finally decided that I would do a self portrait because I like blue so much.  That was kind of all encompassing….

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7/365-2 A Natural Treasure

7/365-2 A Natural Treasure

“Good Morning Sunshine” I mentioned yesterday, Macro Monday, that I really thought the acorns on the tree out from would be a beautiful macro shot and that although I thought that, I couldn’t think it into being.  Yesterday’s acorn photos were not good.  When I saw today’s prompt – natural treasure, loved, not artificial, outside – I felt that I was being given a second chance to do justice to the acorns.  I looked at yesterday’s rejected photos and decided…

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5/365-2 On A Fork

5/365-2 On A Fork

“Eats Shoots and Leaves…and Berries” After the seriousness, and perhaps edginess depending on your perspective, of yesterday’s photo, today I am back to the whimsical me. I will admit it.  I am obsessed with the Lego minifgures.  They are so much fun and in the big scheme of things, a fairly benign obsession.  The newest series of 16 figures, which is supposed to accompany the upcoming Lego movie, was released in the stores last Sunday, I think.   After my…

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4/365 – 2 A Little Bit – January Self Portrait

4/365 – 2 A Little Bit – January Self Portrait

“Here I Am” I think that at one time or another we all struggle with our self image.  This is a place where our own reality often differs from the reality seen by those around us, those who see us as a whole person  rather than as a series of disconnected imperfections. As a person with albinism, as one who looks different from most of society, this struggle has been extremely difficult at times.   In fact, it has taken…

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3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

“A Good Sport” I had to deviate slightly from the daily prompt and go with an image of a good sport rather than a winter sport.  Texas is not a place that makes for fun winter sports.  Though we often get the cold, if it is accompanied by any precipitation at all, the result is usually a nasty ice storm rather than a beautiful soft snowfall. My personal winter “sport” of choice is knitting, though I must admit that it…

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2/365 – 2 Goals

2/365 – 2 Goals

“Embracing the Muse” In the past few years I have discovered a lot about myself,  some good things and some not so good things.  I have learned to embrace who I am and be the best that I can be by honoring both my strengths and my weaknesses.  Doing so has equipped me to extend the same love and respect toward others.  When you can love yourself despite shortcomings, it is much easier to love others despite your own perceived…

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1/365-2 Celebrate

1/365-2 Celebrate

“Looking at 2014” If you’ve been following me here for any length of time, you know that when I began the CY365 photo project this time last year, I dreaded the fact that every month there was a self portrait.  I have always HATED having pictures of myself taken.  And to have to take them myself was just adding insult to injury.  After taking twelve such photos over the course of 2013, I am a little better about being in…

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