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Category: Capture Your 365

33/365-2 Silhouette

33/365-2 Silhouette

“The Right Side of the Equation” It made me chuckle that the part of the morning paper that I caught Weber reading was the obituaries.  It”s a good day when you find yourself on the right side of this equation:-)

32/365-2 In the Dark

32/365-2 In the Dark

“The Thinker” This is my stare off into space and solve the world’s problems look.  Right now, however, all I’m thinking is that I’m glad February’s self portrait is out of the way on the first day of the month!

31/365-2 A Horse

31/365-2 A Horse

“Gracie and Larry” Obviously neither of them is a horse 🙂  There were no horses in my world today but I was lucky to spend some time with Larry and Gracie.  Though Larry is pretty good at sitting still, Gracie is a fun loving fast lying ball of fur.  I had a hard time getting a good photo of her.  But, I do really like this one of the two of them. And then there is Gracie…

30/365-2 Focused

30/365-2 Focused

“Brooke-worm” This kid began reading at age 3 and hasn’t stopped since.  I’m not sure how Borders Books went out of business.  I think we spent enough money there to have kept them in business by ourselves.  By the time that Brooke was six, she was reading so much that I no longer could read everything that she was reading first to make sure that it was appropriate.  If I had, I would have had no time to read for…

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29/365-2 Lively

29/365-2 Lively

“Pinwheel” I don’t know if the pinwheel itself is lively, but it was given to me today as a gift by a very lively person.  It’s bright and cheerful colors and the sunflowers made me smile.  I’ll take happy over lively!

27/365-2 Secure

27/365-2 Secure

“Frankie and Snoopy” There is not much creative about this photo; today’s creativity came in the form of relating this photo to the prompt “secure.”  Here goes: Frankie is secure in her belief that this is her bed and not ours. She is certain in her belief that she could have been “the cat next door” in the Peanuts strips. I am secure enough in who I am to admit to you all that we have Peanuts flannel sheets on…

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26/365-2 Vivid

26/365-2 Vivid

‘Eternal Light” I am pretty much a purist when it comes to photography.  I do very little editing of my photos – cropping, black and white conversion and sometimes a little boost of contrast and saturation.  Somehow doing too much feels like cheating.  I’m not sure how I developed this attitude; it is probably one that I need to overcome, but I’m not there yet.   That being said, this photo is obviously heavily edited. Today’s prompt not only asked…

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25/365-2 Caring

25/365-2 Caring

“Slaving Over A Hot Fire” Though there were many things that we should have done today, we shirked all of our adult responsibilities and spent the day celebrating a friend’s birthday by sitting outside talking, laughing, enjoying the perfect weather and roasting hot dogs over the fire pit.  It was a glorious day.  And what better way to show your wife that you care about her than by slaving over a hot fire roasting her a hot dog. Seriously, what…

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24/365-2 Fresh Air

24/365-2 Fresh Air

“Friday Afternoon” By the end of the day Friday, I was exhausted, too exhausted to concentrate on a photo so I recycled this one that I had taken earlier in the week.  It represents quite well the way I felt Friday afternoon.  As a further testament to how out of it I was, not only did I not take a new photo, I forget to post yesterday the one that I recycled.  

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