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Category: Capture Your 365

43/365-2 Red

43/365-2 Red

“Love Is…On the Ground” Today has been a long day.  I am exhausted and my brain is not functioning well enough to write coherently so this is it.  At least I’ve made it past humpday for this week!

42/365-2 Retail Therapy

42/365-2 Retail Therapy

This is a present for the newest baby boy in our world.  Shhh…don’t tell him!  He has to wait until this weekend when we see him next. Most of my retail therapy these days is done via the web.  I much prefer to shop in the chaos that is my own desk rather than the chaos of the stores.  Thank goodness for amazon!

41/365-2 It’s Still Winter

41/365-2 It’s Still Winter

“Gray Icy Day” I know that much of the country has been blanketed with snow for days, weeks and months and that they are all quite ready for it to melt.  I wish that we would have a little of it here.  Snow is so much more tolerable than the nasty freezing rain and “ice pellets” that are predicted for the Dallas area.  We’ll see what happens overnight.  It either needs to be enough to cancel school or not happen…

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39/365-2 Hand Tinted

39/365-2 Hand Tinted

“A Rose By Any Color…” I am much more adept with composition in my photographs than I am with the technical aspects related to post-processing.  This goes back to my post a few days ago; I don’t like a whole lot of it.   After having that rant on Thursday, God must have been laughing at me, ready to shake me up and get me off of my high horse.  Today’s prompt was focused on hand-tinting, a post processing technique…

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37/365-2 Shadow

37/365-2 Shadow

“Thoughts and Feelings” We were surprised this morning by a light dusting of snow.  Though it was bitter cold, I ventured outside determined to get a good macro shot of snowflakes.  I spent about 15-20 minutes outside; that was all the 18 degree temperatures that my hands could take.  When I came inside, I immediately uploaded the pictures to the computer; dismal failure!  Though I had some OK shots of the snow in general, the snowflakes themselves eluded me.  Noticing…

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36/365-2 From Above

36/365-2 From Above

“Beat Me to the Top” I really wanted to take a serious photo today, which I did I think, with the photo below. After I took this one, I started goofing around photographing random objects from above.  When all was said and done, I really liked the abstractness of the first photo.  Maybe I just need some sleep and the world will look a little different.  Tonight, whimsy came out on top.

35/365-2 Heartwarming

35/365-2 Heartwarming

“Warm Hand, Warm Heart” I have discovered that I really love black and white and monochromatic photos.  Most of the time when I convert a photo from color it is for artistic reasons.  This one, though I think the red filter adds to the effect of the image, had to be converted out of necessity.  I shot it rather hastily after we got home from school.  Weber had on a red and white plaid shirt.  I had on an orange…

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34/365-2 Soft (Macro Monday)

34/365-2 Soft (Macro Monday)

‘Soft” I came home from school with not much light left in the day and not much energy.  I am coming down with something, hopefully only a cold.  I thought about the prompt throughout the day but had no good ideas.  It is “Macro Monday” and I really want to improve my macro shots, but the stars definitely did align for this to be the day for any improvement.  It was a feat just to get a photo taken. At…

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