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Category: Capture Your 365

107/365-2 Starts With B

107/365-2 Starts With B

“Lots of B” Something strange and wonderful happened today.  This is my Big Baby (aka my oldest daughter), the one who hates having her picture taken.  During lunch today I texted her and told her that I had fifteen minutes from when I got home from school and then had to leave again for church to get today’s POTD done and she was it.  Why?  Her name is Bethany Brooke.  And though my last name is Baker, hers is nut;…

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106/365-2 Where I Stand

106/365-2 Where I Stand

“To-and-fro” Today’s photo prompt is one of the recurring monthly prompts for 2014.  Its goal is to encourage us to literally look at the the places in which we stand during the day.   Though my week started off chilly, it is finally beginning to look and feel like spring in Dallas.  This makes my walk from school all the more enjoyable.  I like seeing the newly planted gardens along my way and marking their progress from week to week….

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105/365-2 Siesta

105/365-2 Siesta

“Dog Daze” Our four-legged family members were able to indulge in a siesta today.  The rest of us had to work.  I got home a little earlier than usual and a nap definitely crossed my mind, but I was afraid that if I had gone to sleep, I would have slept until morning.  Though that might have felt good at the time, tomorrow morning when I was not prepared for the day, the goodness would have come to an end…

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102/365-2 Shadow

102/365-2 Shadow

“Goat Cheese” We went on an adventure today.  The Heart of Texas Franciscan fellowship had our monthly meeting at Heritage Homestead just outside of Waco.  We shared a meal together at the restaurant there; most of the food is grown by the community right there on the property.  We then moved outside to a picnic table under the trees to discuss the business of the day.  Once we were done with that, the real fun started for me.  We wandered…

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101/365-2 Cling/Hug

101/365-2 Cling/Hug

“Tree Hugger” If I had been born a few years earlier I would have made one heck of a hippie except maybe for the drugs part.  Instead, I guess I’m just a tree hugger.   I needed to get today’s photo taken this afternoon because we had plans for this evening.   The only things around to hug were the dogs and the cat.  I knew that there was no way that I could get a shot of even one…

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100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

“Grow Old Along With Me” Today’s photo was supposed to be food photography, a perfect food duo.  If I had done that, my shot would have been pizza and beer, which is indeed a perfect duo; however,  we ate late tonight so the light would have been no good.  And, there is nothing more unattractive than poorly lit food.  Bad food photography is the absolute worst kind of bad photography.   If you think a little outside the box, this…

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99/365-2 Makes Me Smile

99/365-2 Makes Me Smile

“Makes Me Smile” I am blessed to have many things, situations and people in my life that make me smile most days.  This guy makes me smile 24/7; he can make me smile even when I am convinced there is not much to be smiling about.

98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

“Say Cheese!” Life seems so busy right now.  I feel like I am pedaling as hard as I can and am still behind the pack.  So when I read that today’s prompt was pull over or slow down and notice the things around you, I just laughed.  Deep down I know that slowing down is not only important but also absolutely necessary to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy spirit, but I can’t always make myself do it.  Case…

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