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Category: Capture Your 365

120/365-2 Uplifting

120/365-2 Uplifting

“Uplifting” A new bra is uplifting in many ways!  Especially when it is pink and lacy:-) This is what happens when you wait until nearly 11pm to take your photo of the day. Sorry!

118/365-2 The Number Four

118/365-2 The Number Four

“Four Inches” I had hoped that on our trip home from Delaware we would either depart or arrive at a gate with the number 4 in it or that our seats would be in a row with a 4.  No such luck.   After I got myself squared away for school this week, I sought something for today’s photo.  Fresh out of ideas and inspiration,  I was counting on the muse and the muse seemed to have already gone to…

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116/365-2 Thoughtful

116/365-2 Thoughtful

“Thoughtful” Today was a good day.  We slept until 9:00, making up from the three hours of sleep the night before. We had a leisurely breakfast and talked with my dad for awhile.  He had a friend coming over so we made a quick trip to the outlet mall and the grocery store.  After bringing the groceries home, we walked up to town and I did a little more shopping while Weber people watched from a bench outside.  He did…

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113/365 Peaceful

113/365 Peaceful

“Peaceful Heart” I had a pretty crappy day at school today.  Well, actually, it was really just a pretty crappy thirty minutes, but those thirty minutes clouded my perception of the whole day.  Funny how that happens.  It was redeemed, however, by my very last private student of the day who brought me these gorgeous orange flowers.  She knows that orange is my favorite color.  And I had the perfect vase for them. I had to laugh at the “peaceful”…

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112/365-2 Barbed

112/365-2 Barbed

“Barbed Beauty” I have become a huge fan of my Lensbaby lenses.  Fan may be an understatement; addict may be a better term.  And, my husband is an enabler.  He ordered me the Edge 80 lens, ostensibly for Mother’s Day.  It came last week and he gave it to me.  Sadly, I did not even take it out of the box until this afternoon. I think the fact that I am a musician, and therefore understand too well the discipline…

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111/365-2 Colorful

111/365-2 Colorful

“Philo-sockical” Considering how exhausted I was yesterday, today was a pretty good day.  This may be due to the fact that I wore my “happy” socks this morning.  How can you not be cheered by rainbows and smiley faces?

110/365-2 Gathered

110/365-2 Gathered

“Happy Easter” This year’s Lenten journey was a meaningful one for me, filled with much opportunity for prayer and reflection.  That makes the Holy Week liturgies all the more meaningful and the celebration of Christ’s resurrection a time of pure joy.  All that said, by the time I had sung the seventh service in five days, three of which in a period of sixteen hours, I was exhausted.   We did have a family gathering for lunch after the second…

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109/365-2 Welcome

109/365-2 Welcome

‘Welcome Not much time for picture taking today, but part of our house now is clean!  We are off to church for the Easter Vigil.  It is a beautiful service though long.  It feels even longer knowing that I have to be right back there tomorrow morning for two more services.  Come the Monday after Easter, Christ is risen and church musicians are dead. Easter blessings to all!

108/365-2 Optimistic

108/365-2 Optimistic

“Optimism” As with yesterday, there was not a lot of time to work at my POTD today between school and church.  Though I don’t teach on Fridays, I do mentor at the middle school.  Today should have been a school holiday but because of bad weather days taken earlier in the school year, today ended up being a make-up day.  I sure could have used the day off! I struggled with what to photograph.  Optimism should have been an easy…

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