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Category: Capture Your 365

130/365-2 A Vision of Play

130/365-2 A Vision of Play

“Joy” Erin began her day as a twenty-one year old college student and finished it as a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and about to begin her life in the working world as a spatial analyst.  It some ways it is hard to believe that she is already out of college and about to be independent and in the same breath I can say that I can’t believe that she is only twenty-one is beginning her professional career….

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129/365-2 A Vision of Resourcefulness

129/365-2 A Vision of Resourcefulness

” A Resourceful Perch” Today’s photo might better be titled ‘Grasping At Straws.”  I had no ideas and no inspiration today.  In a moment of desperation, the cat became my subject.  I hoped that I would figure out some way to tie a photo of her to the day’s prompt. She is on her “resourceful;” perch atop one of the stools at the kitchen island.  From this vantage point she can keep an eye on all of the goings on…

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127/365-2 A Vision of Poise

127/365-2 A Vision of Poise

“Read, Pray, Love” Come, pensive nun, devout and pure,  sober steadfast, and demure,  all in a robe of darkest grain,  flowing with majestic train. – John Milton – Today was the student art sale at school.  I love these ceramic nuns!  These are the only kind of habits I am allowed to have!

126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

“Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” Innocence is not exactly a word that I would associate with Brooke.  I am not being judgmental, just realistic.  She played college rugby.  They drank beer out of cleats.  That right there says it all, don’t you think?   I had to stretch things to make today’s prompt work even a little. Brooke has always loved reading.  When she was tiny and innocent, I read to her all the time.  In this photo she…

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125/365-2 A Vision of Small Details

125/365-2 A Vision of Small Details

“Swirls” Today was Macro Monday.  Despite the fact that it was terribly windy this afternoon, I had fun blowing bubbles after school.  It was a little less fun trying to hold the bubble wand with one hand and shoot photos with the other, but only a little less. I had a difficult time choosing today’s photo.  I took several that I like; unfortunately, they are all so different that it was like comparing apples and oranges when trying to choose…

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124/365-2 A Vision Of What I’m Reading

124/365-2 A Vision Of What I’m Reading

“Good For A Laugh!” They say that art mimics life.  Scott Hilburn, who draws the Argyle Sweater, must have been at my house and observed my life..  I have a shelf that looks just like this!  Well, not exactly like this.  Most of my heads are attached to bodies, but they can be shared at a moment’s notice.  I feel vindicated!  Obviously if the obsessive collecting of Lego mini figures has made it to the comic strips I am not…

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123/365-2 A Vision Of My Eyes

123/365-2 A Vision Of My Eyes

“My Eyes” My eyes…so much can be said about them.  For many, the eyes I have have are their greatest fear; these eyes are legally blind.  There are many things that they prevent me from doing, and many other things that are just more challenging for me because of my eyes.  It would be easy to get stuck on all of the negatives associated with my eyes and their vision, but what would be the point in that? These are…

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122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

“Circle Of Life” I don’t think that this image necessarily has a unique perspective, but what drew my attention to it is the ring of spent iris blooms encircling the one young and beautiful flower.  As I looked at this, I thought about how important it is for the wisdom and experience of age to wrap its arms around youth and innocence.  I also noticed the changing face of beauty.  Though most eyes are drawn immediately to the big colorful…

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121/365-2 Healthy Vision

121/365-2 Healthy Vision

“Seeing The Bright Side” May is eye health month and being that healthy vision is important to photographers, many of the Capture Your 365 prompts this month relate to vision, eyes and seeing.  This could be a challenge to the blind kid here:-) Actually, I like the prompts that challenge me to look carefully and intentionally at my inner world as well as my outer world.  For me, photography definitely has some challenges because of my vision, but working to…

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