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Category: Capture Your 365

142/365-2. A Vision of Beauty

142/365-2. A Vision of Beauty

“The Other Side of Beauty” Somehow yesterday got away from me and it was 11 pm before I took the day’s photo.  Needless to say, I was left photographing store-bought cut flowers rather than something growing outside in natural light.  That gave me the opportunity to engage the tiny bit of creative energy that I had left at the end of the day; or, would that be night?  

141/365-2 A Vision of 20

141/365-2 A Vision of 20

‘Twenty” Keepin’ it real today…this is a fairly common image of my everyday.  The number associated with the unread emails in my Inbox has a few more digits.

140/365-2 Devotion

140/365-2 Devotion

“Hopelessly Devoted” It is hard to believe that Adidas is almost ten.  It seems like it was only yesterday that he was a phone stealing puppy.  He was intended to be the kids’ dog, but he has been a mama’s boy from the beginning.  He and I have been through a lot together.  I know he would go to extremes to protect me. When Weber and I got married, Adidas was not sure that he wanted to share.  Whenever Weber…

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137/365 Growth

137/365 Growth

“Growing Pains” Technically this is not a good photo, but it is a perfect photo for me today. I got a new super zoom lens.  It is HUGE!  So huge, in fact, that the camera store did not have a UV filter large enough in stock.  It is now on order.  I was hesitant to do too much with the lens until the filter comes in, but I couldn’t resist a few shots. The lens weighs a little over four…

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136/365-2 Discipline

136/365-2 Discipline

“Morning Pages” I call it disciplined; many members of my family call it anal retentive or OCD.  With many aspects of my life, mostly the creative ones, I am incredibly disciplined.  With things like keeping my email inbox cleared out, not so much.  With the things I choose to be disciplined about, I am ever faithful to the practice.   In thinking today about how to photograph the discipline in my life, I decided to focus on the one thing…

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135/365-2 Relax

135/365-2 Relax

“Commencement” Obviously I forgot to post this last night. Commencement itself was not necessarily relaxing, but it signifies the end of the semester and the end of this school year, which means it also marks the beginning of a period of relaxation for me.  Yay! Though I can’t stand  Pomp and Circumstance because I have played it SO many times (and that was just last night, not all the many years previously),  I do enjoy playing for graduation.  It is a…

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133/365-2 Activity

133/365-2 Activity

“Walking” I’m not much on exercise for exercise sake, but I do enjoy walking as my primary mode of transportation.  Harley likes to go for walks too.  She is much better behaved on her leash than Adidas so she got the honor of being in today’s photo because I knew I could deal with her and my camera at the same time.  The same could not be said of Adidas and the camera!

132/365-2 Make An Appointment

132/365-2 Make An Appointment

“Scheduled Sabbath” Right now there are way too many things going on in my world.  I am counting the minutes (actually the number of exams) until this semester is over.  To put it simply, I am exhausted.  I have learned to say “no” to a few things, but I still don’t seem to get enough rest.  In the past I have been advised to put sabbath time on my calendar and treat it like any other appointment.  I need to…

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131/365-2 Motherly Love

131/365-2 Motherly Love

“Silent Love” After our big graduation celebration yesterday, we all needed a quiet day today.   This morning in church the pastor called all of the mothers forward and gave us each a rose.  He offered a prayer for all of us, but did not stop there.  Prayers were then offered for those who have lost their mothers, for those who want to be mothers, and for those who have or had a broken relationship with their mothers.  By the…

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