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Category: Capture Your 365

153/365-2 Cheese

153/365-2 Cheese

“Blessed Are The Cheesemakers” This represents ero creativity with today’s shot.  I like cheese to eat but apparently not to photograph.

152/365-2 Ritual

152/365-2 Ritual

“Choose Joy” By definition, rituals consist of two things – an ordered set of actions and a sacred element. There are many things in my life that are an ordered set of actions but aren’t necessarily sacred; I think of these more as habits. And then there are those things that are sacred but are not necessarily ordered. Choosing joy is one of those things. Joy is not always easy to see, but it is always there, even in our moments…

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151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

 “In the Garden” We had a very quiet day today.  Brooke is our of town at the wedding of one of her college roommates and we had a relatively free calendar, which turned out to be a good thing because Weber has been sick all week and he slept for almost five hours this afternoon.   Th dogs were perfectly happy to keep him company while he napped, though they did feel compelled to get up a few times to…

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149/365-2 A Vision of Safety

149/365-2 A Vision of Safety

“A Man, A Plan, A Hat” We are wrapping up May and Healthy Vision Month.  Today’s reference to safety was directed towards eye safety and the importance of wearing sunglasses.  Weber is very good about wearing his sunglasses.  He also is good about wearing his hat in the winter to keep his bald head warm and in the summer to keep it from getting sunburned.  I, on the other hand, should wear a hat and sunglasses all the time, but…

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148/365-2 Soul

148/365-2 Soul

‘Soulful Squirrel” Today’s photo was an object lesson in sometimes you do the best you can with what you have at the moment.   This furry little guy was sitting on his branch looking in the back door at the dogs.  I know most people consider squirrels to be a nuisance, but I think they are cute.  We constantly fill the bird feeders only to see squirrels swinging from them like trapeze artists.  That’s OK.  Plenty of seeds end up…

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147/365-2 Monochromatic

147/365-2 Monochromatic

“Spilled Milk” I have always loved black and white images.  I have learned recently that what I really like is mono -chromaticism.  Black and white just happens to be the most common manifestation of that.  This one was a lot of fun to play with. I could have inserted “beer” for “coffee” and the text would have been equally meaningful, but I took this shot early in the day and was still drinking coffee.  I also had a debate with…

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145/365-2 A Vision of Twilight

145/365-2 A Vision of Twilight

“Twilight Showers” Today’s photo prompt asked us to photograph twilight with a phone camera.  Once a month, we are asked to use our phone cameras to achieve the daily prompt.  I have not fully embraced this yet because I usually get terrible pictures with my phone.  Most of the time they are blurry and grainy.  I don’t know what I do wrong, but it annoys me!  I did, however, follow the guidelines of the day and took these with my…

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144/365-2 A Vision of Finished

144/365-2 A Vision of Finished

“Moving On Up” Though she turned twenty-one in December and legally became an adult then, today Erin really “finished” her childhood.  She moved into her first apartment where she signed the lease and is responsible for all of her own bills.  The move is because she has a “real” job with a real salary as a spatial analyst.   We went over for dinner tonight.  It was funny to see all of the things that she has taken for granted…

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143/365-2 Make Believe

143/365-2 Make Believe

“Storyteller” I have several of these ceramic storyteller figures that were made by one of the art students and school.   Each one is unique and equally whimsical.  They just make me smile…and smiles are good!

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