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Category: Capture Your 365

164/365-2 Dangerous

164/365-2 Dangerous

“The lightship Overfalls” This image doesn’t represent dangerous, but somewhat the opposite.  Lightships, no longer operational, were once used as floating lighthouses warning sailors of dangers on the water.  This one has been restored as a historical and now is open for public tours  My dad was integral in securing grants to support its restoration as well as having the Overfalls recognized as a National Historic Landmark. If you’d like to know more, click here.

163/365 In the Grass

163/365 In the Grass

“Beach Grass” Despite the fact that I got very little sleep Wednesday night because at midnight I was still packing and we had to be at the airport at 4am on Thursday morning, we had a smooth trip and thus far I have not noticed anything that I forgot.  All of that is pretty much a miracle. It was overcast and misting when we got to Delaware.  In my weird little mind, it was perfect.  There is such a calmness…

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161/365-2 Staycation

161/365-2 Staycation

“Birthday Boy” Today was Weber’s birthday.  I’d like to say that it was an exciting day of celebration, but that would be a lie.  We ran some errands this morning – Walgreens for prescriptions,  Sams for cases of green beans for the dog and Target for something that I can’t even remember.  Then it was a quiet afternoon at home.  Weber spent some time reading his “birthday book.”  I looked back at his birthday photo from last year in which…

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160/365-2 A Favorite Place

160/365-2 A Favorite Place

“Bloom” There are lots of places that I enjoy being.  Really though, who I am with is much more important to me than where I am.  If the company is good, I can overlook some pretty dismal surroundings.  Proof of this is the nearly a year that we spent in the house with no kitchen while we were remodeling.  All those microwave meals were perfectly fine with me because I shared them with the love of my life.   It…

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158/365-2 Holding – June Self Portrait

158/365-2 Holding – June Self Portrait

“Drawing Mandalas” So I have finally gotten used to, if not comfortable with, taking self portraits and then the focus changes to my hands, the part I hate most about myself.  My hands looks twice as old as the rest of me due to not enough sunscreen when I was younger.  Though I do many things with my hands that were worthy of photographing – knitting, playing the piano or clarinet, writing, typing, cooking – I had a hard time…

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157/365-2 Well-known Landmark

157/365-2 Well-known Landmark

“Interfaith Peace Chapel – Dallas, TX” When you think of iconic Texas landmarks, the Interfaith Peace Chapel in Dallas is probably not the first thing that comes to mind for anyone, even those who live in Dallas.  That said, in a recent article in which the Huffington Post identified what it believed to be the most spiritual place in each of the fifty states, the Interfaith Peace Chapel is that place in Texas.  It is a fascinating structure, the last…

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155/365-2 Up North

155/365-2 Up North

“RIP Chester Nez” Back in October Weber and I had an opportunity to meet and have a conversation with Chester Nez, the last of the Navajo Code Talkers from World War II.  Nez died today at age 93.  When we met him, we got a signed copy of his book detailing the amazing life that he lived..  This photo is a composite of a photo that I took of Chester Nez back in October and one that I took tonight…

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154/365-2 Wildlife

154/365-2 Wildlife

 ‘Squirrel Friend” There is not much wildlife around here unless you count the dog and cat chasing one another onto and then under the bed, and I don’t think that is the intention of today’s prompt.  All we have are a bully bluejay, a few grackles and doves and many squirrels.  I’m not sure that the squirrels even count for wildlife.  They don’t even bother to run when we, or the dogs, go outside.  The squirrels are definitely comfortable in…

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