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Category: Capture Your 365

186/365-2 July Selfie – A Favorite

186/365-2 July Selfie – A Favorite

“Linen Love” I am not very good about naming “favorites” of anything.  Not food, or books, or movies, or restaurants…nothing.  It all depends on the day.  Today’s photo is supposed to reflect something that is a favorite piece of clothing, or jewelry, or shoes…something that is worn, I guess. I do have some favorite jewelry, by it is bracelets and rings and right now my arms and hands look awful because of having had some pre-skin cancer spots removed so…

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185/365-2 Bursting

185/365-2 Bursting

“Fireworks” Today was bursting with friends, food, fun, and fireworks.   In all of those “f” words, there was also favorite fail.  I don’t even know what happened with this foto photo, but there is something kind of funky about it that my weird sense of aesthetics kind of likes. Some of my favorite shots of the evening were surprises.  I think it is their simplicity that appeals to me. The next one reminds me of a sunflower. I loved…

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183/365-2 Essentials

183/365-2 Essentials

‘Groggy Doggie” This morning, our boy had surgery to remove an abscessed tooth.  He didn’t seem to be in any pain beforehand, but his face was swollen.  The essentials for him over the next few days are antibiotics, doggie ibuprofen, and canned food.  Needless to say, he is much more thrilled with the canned food than the pills. He was not a happy camper when we picked him up at the vet.  we paid his bill and then they put…

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182/365-2 Refreshing

182/365-2 Refreshing

“Morning Words” Our mornings usually begin with coffee and the newspaper.  Sometimes the news is a little too overwhelming and depressing and I’d rather read poetry (not that that it can’t also be depressing).  This poem, however, by Anne Sexton, reminds us that there is joy to be found in all of the simple things of our every day.  This is indeed a refreshing thought in a world that so often seems unhappy.

181/365 Graffiti Wall

181/365 Graffiti Wall

“Legacy of Love” I am posting yesterday’s photo late because of some minor computer issues last night.  What I thought to be an inconvenience yesterday may have actually been divine intervention, a sign that allowed me more time to think carefully about the photo I was choosing as my POTD. The is the “Legacy of Love” monument in Dallas.  It celebrates diversity in our city.  On Sunday, vandals spray painted, in red, the numbers “666” on the base of the monument…

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180/365-2 Clean Up

180/365-2 Clean Up

“Sunset” As I have said repeatedly, I am terrible with phone photography and am fairly ignorant with regard to phone photo processing and editing apps.  Today’s prompt had both a technical and compositional component.  The subject was intended to be something related to “clean up” and the photo was supposed to be taken and edited on your phone.  As is often the case when I am faced with something with which I am woefully incompetent, I waited until nearly sunset…

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179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

“A Natural Bond” Today’s prompt was supposed to be all about portraiture, more specifically, portraiture  focusing on the “tradition; attire” of the subject.   I knew that the structure of today did not allow itself to a dedicated portrait session with anyone and I had no hopes of any interesting traditional attire. I am still committed to taking at least one shot of each of the girls every month.  It is nearly the end of June and I had not…

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177/365-2 Have A Ball

177/365-2 Have A Ball

 “A Ball to Remember” These balls (marbles) were given to us at church at the end of book study on The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.  This can be a life changing book if its ideals are taken to heart and made an integral part of our everyday.  The marble serves as a tangible reminder of what we hope to do. Thank you Todd for facilitating this fantastic class and to all those in the class who faithfully shared so much…

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176/365-2 Fifteen

176/365-2 Fifteen

“A Lucky Fifteen” Sometimes you just have to go with the photo that is right in front of your face, literally.   Creativity and inspiration were low to nonexistent today.  I was relieved when this blog popped up on my computer tonight.  The article has some interesting observations.  If you are interested, here is the link.

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