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Category: Capture Your 365

228/365-2 Looking From the Outside

228/365-2 Looking From the Outside

“Dog Envy” Frankie is an indoor cat.  The only time she goes outside is when she is invited to sit on one of our laps out on the back patio.  Most of the time she is perfectly content being an inside cat.  She has her own comfy chair and the food and water are plentiful.  Every now and then, particularly when the dogs are outside, she looks a little unhappy about not being outdoors with them.  Today was was perched…

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227/365-2 On the Phone

227/365-2 On the Phone

“Phone Photography” Recently I have probably spent more time taking and editing photos with my phone than I have talking or even texting.  Today was a good day to document my new love affair with my phone’s camera thanks to The Phone Photography Project that I have been involved with over the last month.

226/365-2 Favorite Food

226/365-2 Favorite Food

“Be Fruitful” My problem is that food in general is a favorite!  As long as there are no mushrooms, olives, or shellfish I will eat it.  Coming up with a “favorite” food, therefore, was difficult for me.  After some serious thought, I finally came to the conclusion that if I had a list of favorite foods, fruit would be at the top.  Really…fruit…not chocolate.  If I look at the possibilities reasonably, i realize that fruit serves many purposes; it quenches…

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225/365-2 Homegrown

225/365-2 Homegrown

“Downtown” First of all, I am not doing well with daily posts here.  I think that I have too many irons in the fire right at the moment… and school hasn’t even started yet.   I am still taking my daly photos as well as  finishing up the phone photography class (where I am also two days behind) and I have just started another online photography class.  In addition, regular choir rehearsals started last evening.   Weber goes back to…

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224/365-2 Resilient

224/365-2 Resilient

“Lone Survivor” Because of all the traveling that we knew we would be doing this summer, we did not plant anything this year.  Back in the spring, however, we did buy a basket of color for the patio.  It was full of pretty yellow, blue and red blooms.  I’m sad to say that all that is left id this lone survivor.

223/365-2 Trails

223/365-2 Trails

“Open Heart” Today was a day of not much artistry but a great deal of learning.  The trails referred to in today’s prompt are light trails.  We have all seen such images, the ones where the cars and trucks on the highway are reduced to streaks of red and white lights.  I have never photographed light trails before, I just wasn’t sure where to go to try.  Most of the ideas that I had turned out to be poor choices…

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222/365-2 On the Brink

222/365-2 On the Brink

“Teetering Troll” August 10, 2014 It has been a long time since these trolls have been out in public.  Over the weekend we cleaned out the garage, etc. at the house in Denton.  I brought home with me all of the girls’ toys that I saved.  I am not one of those mothers that saved every single thing, only those that have weathered the test of time.  When I got these out for the day’s photograph Brooke remembered playing with…

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221/365-2 Like A Painting

221/365-2 Like A Painting

“Peering” Today’s prompt had more to do with processing of a photo than anything else.  The goal was to take a photo and process it in such a way that it looked like a painting rather than a photograph.  Just what I needed…another step to consume yet more time!  Oh my, the time that can be spent exploring the possibilities with this type of conversion! This is a photo that I took on the last evening that we were in…

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