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Category: Capture Your 365

250/365-2 Atmosphere

250/365-2 Atmosphere

“With My Favorite Somebody” Because my photo from Saturday was “off-prompt”,  I got a little turned around with the daily prompts.  This photo is actually yesterday’s self portrait that was supposed to be taken with someone else in the frame with me.  I am committed to the monthly self portraits so I decided to forego today’s prompt of atmosphere or ambiance.  Or maybe this works for both prompts and I can kill two birds with one stone.  Whichever, I have…

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249/365-2 Off Prompt

249/365-2 Off Prompt

“I’ve Got Friends…and Mail!” Today’s prompt was supposed to be September’s self portrait.  Because of our schedule, that wasn’t going to happen.  We had a fantastic day at the theater and then going out for dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  When we got home, we discovered that Blueper B had received a package from a friend.   You can read all about Blueper B’s exciting day on his blog: He also has a Facebook page if you’d like to…

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248/365-2 From Scratch

248/365-2 From Scratch

“Scads of Scones from Scratch” Brooke spent all day , and night, Friday making cones and teacakes for 120 people for an event being held at the library.  This look has more to do with me shoving the camera in her face than it does having to make 240 scones.

247/365-2 Beginning

247/365-2 Beginning

‘Beginning to Become” Thursday afternoons are my favorite time of the week.  I am done teaching for the week at 3:00.  I can leave school and don’t have to be concerned about anything having to be done this evening.  It is an awesome feeling after worrying on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights about making sure that I fully prepared for the following day.  I do spend Friday’s preparing for the next week, but for now, I am free!  Teaching…

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246/365-2 An Assignment

246/365-2 An Assignment

‘Teachers Have Homework Too! The truth is that I have stacks of assignments to be graded and assigned to my students, but I couldn’t bear to photograph another stack of papers.  Been there, done that this week.  Also, Wednesdays are such a terrible day in terms of time, I needed a subject that I could photograph easily.  Enter my beloved husband…he is such a good sport.  I got a very quick, last minute of the day shot of him with…

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245/365-2 Back to Reality

245/365-2 Back to Reality

“Paper Chase” And week two of the semesters begins…Despite having the day off yesterday, the work week got off to a rough start today.  The alarm was set for 5:50.  We got up at 6:44.  Neither of us remembers the alarm going off all.  The scary thing is that if it went off at all, it went off six times.  We have never slept through the alarm once, let alone six times!  Surely Weber didn’t hot the snooze button six…

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243/365-2 Negative Space

243/365-2 Negative Space

“Got Milk” Weber’s dad worked for the Missouri-Pacific Railroad.  We still have quite a bit of railroad paraphernalia around the house.  For some reason, one of my favorite things is this small glass milk bottle.  It is what milk was served in on the trains.

242/365-2 A Different Perspective

242/365-2 A Different Perspective

“Flower Mandala” For over six years I have used the practice of drawing mandalas as a form of meditation.  This discipline helped me to keep my head and my heart in the right place during what was a pretty rough period in my life.  When I look back at my drawings from those years, I am transported right back to the time and place in which they were drawn.  When I began drawing mandalas I had no idea that doing…

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241/365-2 Distinctive

241/365-2 Distinctive

“Behind the Scenes” These tiny flowers have remained bright and cheerful though the hot summer and a bit of neglect.  I’m not sure what they are, but I have grown quite fond of them this summer.  For this image, I decided to take a look at the stems rather than the blooms.  The “furry” green stems are really quite beautiful especially with the late evening sun illuminating them.

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