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Category: Capture Your 365

258/365-2 Changes

258/365-2 Changes

“Huddle” There is not much around here that looks like the changing seasons.  I wandered around looking for something, anything that gave even the smallest hint of fall.  I stumbled upon this fallen crisp brown huddle of oak leaves.  There was something so beautiful about the way the evening sun was shining through them.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not get the camera to see the same thing that I saw.  (I know, stupid statement coming from…

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257/365-2 A Mess

257/365-2 A Mess

“A Mess of Shoes” *** No time was injured in the setting up of this shot. *** This is about as everyday as it gets.  The shoes that we don’t wear very often are neatly stacked in clear boxes in another closet.  The ones we wear daily, however, get kicked of into the closet haphazardly at the end of the day.  When I am crawling around on the closet floor barely awake at 6:30am  trying to get ready for school,…

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256/365-2 Grip

256/365-2 Grip

“September Pole?” In my continuing effort to make sure that a get a photo of both of the girls each month, I had to take advantage of erin’s visit today for her September picture.  She agreed to “grip” the pole so that we at least gave a nod to today’s prompt. She is always so easy and a lot of fun to photograph! I’m sure she is thinking about how much she love her mama!

255/365-2 From the Garden

255/365-2 From the Garden

“Beware” Anything having to do with a garden at our house this year requires a vivid imagination!   I came up way short of creativity with today’s prompt.  A trip to Target, ostensibly for throat lozenges to address the fall cold that I feel coming on, yielded this cute little Lego figure…and pumpkin spice M&Ms.  This was the best I could do today.  No garden, no creativity, no energy and a sore throat all make for blah a photo.

254/365-2 Contemplate

254/365-2 Contemplate

“Remember” It is hard for me to believe that this is the thirteenth anniversary of the horrific attacks on this country on September 11, 2001.  The sounds, images, and emotions of that day are still as vivid as if they were yesterday.  As I talked with my freshman college students yesterday, I realized that most of them were in kindergarten on this day in 2001; most of them were sheltered and protected from the intense grief and sorrow that blanketed…

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253/365-2 Discarded

253/365-2 Discarded

“Friendship” Friendship and all of its intricacies have been on my mind this week.  I don’t think that I realized a few days ago when I photographed the Diet Coke can, with the phrase ‘Share a Diet Coke with a friend.” on it, that I had any idea where my week was going.  Now, posting this photo two days late, it is all making sense. As one who grew up in a military family and moved a lot, I don’t…

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252/365-2 Reading

252/365-2 Reading

“Classwork” The sub-prompts for today’s photo included school, learning, and education.  I have been teaching at the same school for over twenty years and most of that time has been in the same classroom.  Until recently, I have had no photos to document all of that time.  I am trying to remedy that situation.  Considering where and how I spend so many of my days, today’s prompt should have been a breeze. As I stood watching my class work on…

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