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Category: Capture Your 365

334/365-2 Give Thanks for the Holiday Season

334/365-2 Give Thanks for the Holiday Season

“The Season” Today marks the start of Advent, the beginning of the new liturgical year.  Today is also the eve of World ADIS Day.  Tonight I was honored to play for a service that remembered those who have lost their lives to AIDS, celebrated the accomplishments made by researchers in finding ways to manage this disease, and gave thanks for all those who are living long and productive lives despite being HIV positive.

333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

“Home for an Early Start to the Holidays” Most of the day was spent traveling, but we did make it home in time to attend a holiday party at some friends’ home.  It was a nice early start to the Christmas season.  OK, maybe it isn’t really early for the rest of the world, but I am so far behind that it feels too early for Christmas to be in full swing.

332/365-2 Thanks for Traditions

332/365-2 Thanks for Traditions

Stand Back and Watch” For me there has been nothing traditional about Thanksgiving this year.  Because of my schedule and things that needed to be done here in Delaware, I have spent my first Thanksgiving away from home and away from the girls.  Weber and I were graciously invited to my aunt’s house for the holiday meal.  It was nice to be with them as we have not seen much of each other lately except under stressful conditions.  Still, it…

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330/365-2 Thanks for a Colorful Scene

330/365-2 Thanks for a Colorful Scene

“Colorful Cold Sunset” I am making up here for Wednesday’s photo that eluded me.  The weather on Thanksgiving eve was just plain nasty.  Here is Lewes it was wet and cold and gray.  Fortunately we did not have any freezing precipitation, like was the case just a little bit north of us.  Nonetheless, the day was not pretty; there were definitely no colorful scenes to be photographed.  In my current lack of creativity I couldn’t think outside the box so…

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331/365-2 Give Thanks for Family

331/365-2 Give Thanks for Family

“Him and His Coffee” When your day begins with a cup of coffee this big, you have to think hard about whether or not there is anything else for which to be thankful:-) I am thankful to wake up and share every morning with him and his coffee.

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

“Pignolis for Two” The more appropriate quote to accompany this picture is, “If at first you don’t succeed, eat dessert again.” I spent a lovely day with fellow photographers Michele and Peggy exploring  Delaware’s capital city of Dover.  We walked, talked, listened and took a few photos along the way.  We ate a tasty lunch and then made our way to a quaint little coffee shop to have dessert and accomplish today’s photo prompt.  Dessert was indeed delicious, but my…

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328/365-2 Thanks for Enough to Share

328/365-2 Thanks for Enough to Share

“Tea For As Many As There Are Cups” We are beginning the overwhelming task of figuring out what to keep and what to find new homes for  at my dad’s house.  Actually, it was my grandparents house and much of what is here belonged to them rather than my parents. My girls want these tea cups that belonged to their great grandmother.  There are enough of them to share and both girls still have plenty.  The cups have a few…

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327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

“Road to…” We are back in Delaware for the week.  It will be strange not to be at home for Thanksgiving, but we needed to make a trip back east and this worked out to be the best time. I took a walk down the road in the late afternoon.  I have been walking on this road almost all my life yet it is beginning to feel a bit unfamiliar.  On “our’ end of the road, the houses date from…

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