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Category: Capture Your 365

344/365-2 Peace

344/365-2 Peace

“Holding On to Peace” Here is the scenario: Still no tree up here, trying to grade exams before a rehearsal tonight, already photographed my favorite peace ornament a few days ago. Lonely ornament laying on the kitchen counter, hubby walks in from school wearing a Christmassy plaid flannel shirt, my camera is also on the counter. “Here. Hold this. Come with me.” Snap! Let there be peace in our household.

343/365-2 At The Lot

343/365-2 At The Lot

“A Lot of Fog” Pardon the redundancy here.  I posted this photo to Facebook early today not knowing then that it would be today’s POTD. We awoke this morning to very thick fog, not a common thing here in Dallas.  It was both beautiful and a little ominous on this Tuesday morning of final exam week.  I had to give a final exam at eight o’clock this morning.  Seemingly very few others on campus were doing the same because much…

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342/365-2 A Favorite Ornament

342/365-2 A Favorite Ornament

“Peace” Today;s photo was supposed to be of a favorite ornament,  on a tree surrounded by lovely bokeh, and not still in the box.  We don’t have a tree up yet.  In fact, until tonight we didn’t even have a tree.  We gave our old tree to Erin.  It wasn’t until tonight that we actually got around to going out and purchasing a new one.  Like the ornaments, it too is still in the box.  I guess you could say…

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341/365-2 Moonlit

341/365-2 Moonlit

“Goodnight Moon” Sometimes the best I can say is that I got a photo taken.  At the end of this busy weekend I have no energy and no creativity.  So, in the words of Margaret Wise Brown, ?Goodnight moon…goodnight nobody…goodnight mush.”  Here’s hoping for a good night’s rest and a more inspired tomorrow.

340/365-2 December Self Portrait – Giving

340/365-2 December Self Portrait – Giving

“Hugs, The Best Kind of Giving” This month’s self portrait suggested photographing our hands in a gesture of giving.  This was definitely not my favorite selfie, not because of the giving aspect; it is the hands part, so I had to find something/someone to hold as a distraction.  As I have looked back through the year’s photos, I realized that Harley has been the least photographed of our four-legged family members.  Today was her day.  And, she is always willing…

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338/365-2 Christmas Past

338/365-2 Christmas Past

“Dancing Memories” For good or for ill, I am not really a saver of stuff.  I have a very few tangible things that are precious to me and that I have saved over time; but for the most part, things are not my thing.   I don’t have a collection of Christmas ornaments that have been passed down and collected over the generations.  Growing up in a military family ornaments got lost and broken along the many moves.  When the…

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337/365-2 Construction

337/365-2 Construction

“Construct A Scrapbook!” I have a student who is also a colleague teaching in another department as well as a friend.  As we were wrapping up the last week of classes this week before next week’s final exams, the level of stress among faculty and students alike was rising.  Everyone was trying to find something, anything to bring down both their anxiety levels and blood pressure.  My student/colleague/friend decided that taking up scrapbooking is what I needed to take my…

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