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Category: books

About The Books

About The Books

I said yesterday that I am a minimalist.  I don’t like to be surrounded by a lot of “stuff.”  I also said that the one exception to my own “if I can’t use it right now then get rid of it” philosophy is books.  I like books.  All kinds of books.  Weber likes books too.  This is good for our relationship and bad for our bookshelves.  When we got married, we had limited shelf space.  We agreed that we would…

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324/365-2 Give Thanks for Companionship

324/365-2 Give Thanks for Companionship

“Purrfect Pals” There is no shortage of furry companions around our house.  There was, however, a shortage of those furry companions willing to be photographed today.  I managed this candid shot of Brooke and Frankie.  The cat loves it in the evening when everyone settles down and she can find a cozy spot next to someone where there is the real possibility of a little attention…but not too much.  Frankie did not want to sit on Brooke’s lap, or even…

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155/365-2 Up North

155/365-2 Up North

“RIP Chester Nez” Back in October Weber and I had an opportunity to meet and have a conversation with Chester Nez, the last of the Navajo Code Talkers from World War II.  Nez died today at age 93.  When we met him, we got a signed copy of his book detailing the amazing life that he lived..  This photo is a composite of a photo that I took of Chester Nez back in October and one that I took tonight…

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126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

“Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” Innocence is not exactly a word that I would associate with Brooke.  I am not being judgmental, just realistic.  She played college rugby.  They drank beer out of cleats.  That right there says it all, don’t you think?   I had to stretch things to make today’s prompt work even a little. Brooke has always loved reading.  When she was tiny and innocent, I read to her all the time.  In this photo she…

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79/365-2 Diptych

79/365-2 Diptych

“Like Mother, Like Daughter” I had zero creative juices flowing today as far as photography went.  I did have a couple of fledgling ideas for this prompt but I just couldn’t bring them to fruition.  I finally called Erin and begged for help.  Because she loves her mommy, she obliged.  I asked her to send me a photo of what she  was doing.  She sent me one right away.   Though she and I often like the same books and…

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30/365-2 Focused

30/365-2 Focused

“Brooke-worm” This kid began reading at age 3 and hasn’t stopped since.  I’m not sure how Borders Books went out of business.  I think we spent enough money there to have kept them in business by ourselves.  By the time that Brooke was six, she was reading so much that I no longer could read everything that she was reading first to make sure that it was appropriate.  If I had, I would have had no time to read for…

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286/365 Tradition

286/365 Tradition

“Happy Dance” After church and a nice brunch at our favorite local cafe, Weber and I went to the Santa Fe Days celebration in Carrollton.  Relatively speaking, this is a small festival, but one that is enjoyable and was manageable in the little bit of time we had before Resounding Harmony rehearsal this afternoon. Artists of all kinds had booths filled with Native American paintings, jewelry, weavings, photographs, food and public service information the culture.  There were also drummers and…

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113/365 Mail

113/365 Mail

“Tearing Into Books” I had a plan for today’s picture.  I wanted a picture of the mailman’s arm reaching out to open the mailbox. I got home in time to go outside and get my camera settings.  Then I waited patiently.  I saw the mail truck coming up the street so I went outside and assumed my post.  He stopped in front of our box.  No arm. No arm. Still, no arm.  The the entire mailman emerged from the truck….

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108/365 Passed Down

108/365 Passed Down

“A Love of Reading” Pictured here is a first edition of Robin Hood given to Weber’s father in 1924.  Weber remembers his dad reading it to him when he was a little boy.  The oil lamp has also been in Weber’s family for a long, long time.  He thinks that it once belonged to his great-great, or maybe great-great-great aunt.  Either way, it has been around a good long while.  I love having all these pieces of family history as part…

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