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Category: Animals

Father’s Day 2011

Father’s Day 2011

It is funny how our obligations to and relationships with holidays change throughout life. My first memories of Father’s Day are from when I was four or so and my “gift” to my Dad was to help him wash the car. Having now raised two children who were at various times four years old, I’m not sure how much of a gift that really was for my Dad; it was perhaps a better deal for my mom who got some…

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Baby Picture

Baby Picture

It has been awhile since I posted a picture of the newest member of our family. Here is the latest picture of Frankie. She moves quickly, as kittens do, so I never hae time to get my “real” camera out. Usually the best I can do is to snatch my phone from my pocket, which is the case here. Don’t mind the fact that she has made herself comfortable in the middle of the coffee table. This is an improvement…

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The Score is Tied

The Score is Tied

After our second night in the old/new house, the battle between its two male occupants is tied. Male Parental Unit:1 Adidas:1 See below for highlights from this week’s match up. “The Point Earning Move” For details of the first match between these two slumber seeking boys, please see this blog’s previous post. Stay tuned to see who wins the tie-breaking match. The winner will snooze away on his very own blow up air mattress. (Bed linens are not included in…

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Going to the Chapel . . .Finally

Going to the Chapel . . .Finally

About the time you think that nobody ever reads these silly blog posts, someone chimes in and says, “About a month or so ago you said something about telling us about a dog chapel. Are you ever going to do that?” I love you guys who humor me by reading what I write. I love your comments; I love your encouragement: I love the accountability that the comes from having readers like you. Okay, I am not so keen on…

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Sweet Dreams!

Sweet Dreams!

Today was my day “off”. That means that I was at home working, where I don’t have to dress like a grownup, rather than at school. I had a list of things to get done. At the end of this list was to write a blog post.I am trying to be more regular with posts. I have had several ideas running around in my head throughout this week so I was looking forward to concentrating on this effort.. Before I…

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The honeymoon is definitely over! No more nights of crawling into a freshly turned down bed made with crisp linens and gourmet chocolates waiting on the pillows. No more dozing off to the subtle flicker and gentle crackle of the fireplace. No more nights where we go to sleep at a reasonable hour and wake up at an even more reasonable hour after an uninterrupted night’s sleep. No more nights where the only ones we have to tend to are…

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It’s A Girl!

It’s A Girl!

I finished a baby afghan yesterday and began a new baby project today. I seem to have a baby thing going on right now. Truthfully, it has been going on for a month or so. It is confession time for me. Weber and I have been expecting since the end of June, but we didn’t want to say or do anything about this until after the wedding and the honeymoon. It all happened late one Friday evening at the end…

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Is It Real Or Is It A Bad Dream?

Is It Real Or Is It A Bad Dream?

Sometimes the stars in the heavens align and there are strange intersections of thoughts and images. So was the case this morning. Here is the background. My younger child has been in Cozumel, Mexico for nearly a week on a mission trip with our church’s youth group. Most such trips are geared towards humanitarian aid. This one, however, is focused on environmental issues. They have cleaned up beaches, helped build for the local SPCA and, the highlight of the trip,…

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Not long ago I was knitting with a relatively new friend (we have known each other since January) and I made some comment about my house being covered in dog and cat hair. She stiffened her back and said, “I didn’t know that you have a cat. All you ever talk about is the dogs.” The truth is that I have three cats (only two dogs) and the dogs do get more air time. This speaks well for the cats….

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First Kiss

First Kiss

Rendez–vousing in the parking lot of the mall after all the stores are closed can only lead to illicit behavior – sex, drugs, and/or rock and roll. This was confirmed for me tonight when my best friend, someone I respected and thought I could trust answered a phone call from “a friend” asking her to meet in the parking lot of a bookstore of all places. I have often been accused of being a suspicious person so tonight I decided…

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