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Category: Animals

8/365 Discouraging Birds

8/365 Discouraging Birds

“Discouraging Birds” This title may be a little misleading.  The prompt for today was discouraging.  The birds here are not discouraging.  I was discouraged by the picture that I took of them. This afternoon, Brooke and I heard this great commotion outside.  I looked out the from door to see what could have been a scene from Hitchcock’s “The Birds.”  There were thousands and thousands of birds everywhere – on the ground in the trees, on rooftops, in the air….

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A Visit from . . .

A Visit from . . .

Twas the night before Christmas,when all through the housenot a creature was stirring,not even a mouse . . . “That’s what they think!” Merry Christmas to all  and to all a good night.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Just to state the obvious, photography is my new passion.  I am definitely an amateur, but I dream about getting better.  I dream about what it would be like to be really good at taking pictures.  I dream about what the life of a professional photographer might be like – the people you’d meet, the beautiful scenery you’d visit, the gift of looking at every day with new eyes.  I will never be a professional.  I will keep studying and…

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The Cat Is Out Of The Bag “Do I look like I care that you are not supposed to peek in shopping bags during this time of year?”

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Brooke and Frankie have had a special relationship since Frankie was just a wee little kitten. Yarn should be a big “no-no” for kittens unless of course your big sister thinks it is funny for you to have a mouth full of mom’s yarn. While Brooke was home over Thanksgiving, their bond became even stronger. They worked the crossword puzzle together every morning, cooked together (I know, the health department might have a problem with this), watched movies and surfed…

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Outdoor Dining

Outdoor Dining

Anyone who knows us knows that Weber and I are both suckers for God’s furry creatures.  We have a particular fondness for strays.  We are the ones who share our home with a cat who was plucked off a busy street on a 106 degree day in Dallas and a dog who was scooped up from behind a shopping center on a 17 degree February day.  Needless to say, we don’t like to see any animal hot, cold or hungry….

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“Iris” the Purple Cow

“Iris” the Purple Cow

This is a cow. This is a purple cow. This is Iris the purple cow. She lives in my from yard. It is possible that she has some unicorn in her gene pool. This is a purple iris but not a cow. I suspect that seeing purple cows in your front yard comes from eating mushrooms.

Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

Today is my four-legged boy’s seventh birthday. “The Birthday Boy” “The Birthday Boy almost 7 years ago” If you subscribe to the belief that a dog year is roughly seven human years, then Adidas is forty-nine. That means that for the next fifty six days he and I are the same age. I thought it might be interesting to see how much age 49 in a dog and age 49 in a human actually have in common. We are both…

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Frames, Francis, and Felines

Frames, Francis, and Felines

As the end of June nears, I find myself struck by how quickly time has passed. It has been a little over a year since we began the work to remodel the house and a little less than a year since Weber and I were married. To mark these milestones we are doing our best to assimilate mine, his, and ours to create a home that is comfortable and uniquely ours. After the arrival of dining room furniture tomorrow, every…

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