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Category: Animals

129/365 Animals

129/365 Animals

“Watchin’ TV” Adidas loves to watch TV where animals are prominent.  He likes anything with four legs – including the Geico gecko.  Unfortunately he barks and carries on so getting a decent picture is next to impossible This is not a good photo but it is definitely a glimpse of what life is like at our house.

120/365 Harsh Light

120/365 Harsh Light

Sorry!  I fell asleep and forgot to post this yesterday. “The Light of His World” “Frisbee Fiend” Harsh light and white balance issues may make a black lab look blue, but better lighting would not have made this picture any more flattering.  When you have grass and slobber hanging out of your mouth, the aesthetic is what it is!

114/365 Mobile

114/365 Mobile

“Table Manners” I don’t usually have my camera with me at the dinner table.  I also don’t usually look across the table at dinner to see a set of feline ears staring at me from the chair across from me.  I did have my phone in my pocket and was able to snap this picture.  I’m terrible at phone photography and I haven’t spent much time playing with all the photography apps that are available.  I already don’t have enough…

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109/365 At The Edge

109/365 At The Edge

“Edge Of The Water” We went to the park this evening just to get some fresh air and wind down at the end of another school week.  I love to watch the ducks and the birds and the children playing.  I love the sounds of the park.  Even though there is usually a lot of activity, the park always seems peaceful to me. On our way, we stopped along the road so that I could take some pictures of a…

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101/365 Overgrown

101/365 Overgrown

Sorry I forgot to post this yesterday! “Flower Power” Weber and Brooke went to Sam’s Wednesday night while I was at choir.  They had what I thought was a short list, but Brooke seemed to add to the list on each aisle so they came home with quite a few items that they had not originally intended.  One of those items was a bouquet of flowers for me.  I love fresh flowers on the dining room table.  They don’t have…

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77/365 Spots

77/365 Spots

“Spot On” I thought my days of being followed into the bathroom were over once the girls passed toddlerhood.  Nope!  Though I did have a few years of privacy, the cat has now taken over where they left off.  It worked to my advantage for today’s photo thanks to the spots on the shower curtain.

47/365 Emotion

47/365 Emotion

“Canine Bliss” Before the year is up (or maybe the month), everyone in my family is going to start running every time they see me heading toward them with my camera.  They are all fair game as far as I am concerned.  Today was Adidas’s turn.  He was so intent on chewing his bone, though, that he barely even noticed me. He did stop to give me one of “those looks.”

36/365 Nap

36/365 Nap

“A Long Week Ahead” I thought today’s picture would be a piece of cake.  There is always some furry four-legged critter napping around here somewhere.  Harley is usually asleep on the couch.  Adidas is usually in Weber’s chair and Frankie is usually curled up in the divot that she has created for herself on the back of the chair in our bedroom.  I figured Frankie would be the easiest shot because she enjoys an afternoon nap with the sun shining…

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23/365 Snuggle

23/365 Snuggle

“Just Trying to Help!” I know that I am very lucky that Weber is so supportive of my crazy obsession commitment to take a picture every day.  I didn’t realize that the dogs, too, were on that bandwagon. Today is my longest day of the week – school until 4:30 (though I got out a little early since today was the first day of my MW classes) and then choir rehearsal tonight.  I knew that I was going to be hard-pressed…

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