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Category: Animals

42/365-2 Retail Therapy

42/365-2 Retail Therapy

This is a present for the newest baby boy in our world.  Shhh…don’t tell him!  He has to wait until this weekend when we see him next. Most of my retail therapy these days is done via the web.  I much prefer to shop in the chaos that is my own desk rather than the chaos of the stores.  Thank goodness for amazon!

31/365-2 A Horse

31/365-2 A Horse

“Gracie and Larry” Obviously neither of them is a horse 🙂  There were no horses in my world today but I was lucky to spend some time with Larry and Gracie.  Though Larry is pretty good at sitting still, Gracie is a fun loving fast lying ball of fur.  I had a hard time getting a good photo of her.  But, I do really like this one of the two of them. And then there is Gracie…

27/365-2 Secure

27/365-2 Secure

“Frankie and Snoopy” There is not much creative about this photo; today’s creativity came in the form of relating this photo to the prompt “secure.”  Here goes: Frankie is secure in her belief that this is her bed and not ours. She is certain in her belief that she could have been “the cat next door” in the Peanuts strips. I am secure enough in who I am to admit to you all that we have Peanuts flannel sheets on…

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21/365-2 In A Bowl

21/365-2 In A Bowl

“Chow Hound” This is Adidas and his bowl.  I’d like to say that in his mind this is the most important bowl in the house.  But, the truth of the matter is that any bowl that has food in it at the time, his or someone else’s, is the most important bowl to him.  Harley’s bowl, the cat’s bowl, a human’s bowl – they are all fair game according to this boy.

10/365-2 A Doorway

10/365-2 A Doorway

“Knock, Knock…Who’s There?” Lucky for this one whose favorite thing to do these days is to run in and out and in and out and…. checking on the squirrels in the backyard, there is someone here to answer her when she knocks.

321/365 Grateful for Special Friends

321/365 Grateful for Special Friends

“Daddy’s Little Girl” These two have a special bond.  I’m convinced that the story of their coming together is one of those “God Things.”  I wrote here about the day that Harley came to live with me.  The part of the story that occurred before I got to the knit shop that day is what makes this picture most fascinating. (What I am about to say will not make complete sense unless you have read the earlier post.) Prior to me…

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294/365 Blades and Bokeh

294/365 Blades and Bokeh

“Blade of Grass” I had a hard time with today’s prompt.  The idea was to get those dancing bokeh circles atop blades of grass.  That really needs to be photographed first thing in the morning when there is dew on the grass and beautiful morning light.  That was not happening around here today. Let me tell you about our morning.  First of all, the alarm went off way too early.  All I could think of when it started beeping at…

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