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Category: Animals

154/365-2 Wildlife

154/365-2 Wildlife

 ‘Squirrel Friend” There is not much wildlife around here unless you count the dog and cat chasing one another onto and then under the bed, and I don’t think that is the intention of today’s prompt.  All we have are a bully bluejay, a few grackles and doves and many squirrels.  I’m not sure that the squirrels even count for wildlife.  They don’t even bother to run when we, or the dogs, go outside.  The squirrels are definitely comfortable in…

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148/365-2 Soul

148/365-2 Soul

‘Soulful Squirrel” Today’s photo was an object lesson in sometimes you do the best you can with what you have at the moment.   This furry little guy was sitting on his branch looking in the back door at the dogs.  I know most people consider squirrels to be a nuisance, but I think they are cute.  We constantly fill the bird feeders only to see squirrels swinging from them like trapeze artists.  That’s OK.  Plenty of seeds end up…

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140/365-2 Devotion

140/365-2 Devotion

“Hopelessly Devoted” It is hard to believe that Adidas is almost ten.  It seems like it was only yesterday that he was a phone stealing puppy.  He was intended to be the kids’ dog, but he has been a mama’s boy from the beginning.  He and I have been through a lot together.  I know he would go to extremes to protect me. When Weber and I got married, Adidas was not sure that he wanted to share.  Whenever Weber…

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133/365-2 Activity

133/365-2 Activity

“Walking” I’m not much on exercise for exercise sake, but I do enjoy walking as my primary mode of transportation.  Harley likes to go for walks too.  She is much better behaved on her leash than Adidas so she got the honor of being in today’s photo because I knew I could deal with her and my camera at the same time.  The same could not be said of Adidas and the camera!

129/365-2 A Vision of Resourcefulness

129/365-2 A Vision of Resourcefulness

” A Resourceful Perch” Today’s photo might better be titled ‘Grasping At Straws.”  I had no ideas and no inspiration today.  In a moment of desperation, the cat became my subject.  I hoped that I would figure out some way to tie a photo of her to the day’s prompt. She is on her “resourceful;” perch atop one of the stools at the kitchen island.  From this vantage point she can keep an eye on all of the goings on…

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105/365-2 Siesta

105/365-2 Siesta

“Dog Daze” Our four-legged family members were able to indulge in a siesta today.  The rest of us had to work.  I got home a little earlier than usual and a nap definitely crossed my mind, but I was afraid that if I had gone to sleep, I would have slept until morning.  Though that might have felt good at the time, tomorrow morning when I was not prepared for the day, the goodness would have come to an end…

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77/365-2 Duplicate

77/365-2 Duplicate

“Double Dose” Yesterday when I got home from school Adidas was not his normal bouncy self.  He seemed to have trouble walking and would not go outside. As the night progressed, he whined every time that he tried to move, though he did get up for his dinner.  We gave him a doggie ibuprofen and that seemed to help him sleep comfortably.  This morning, however, he again would not get up and whined and cried when he tried.  He also…

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53/365-2 Oh Boy

53/365-2 Oh Boy

“My Girl,  Her Boy,  Their Baby Boy” I have more “baby” pictures that I took today, but the Internet is being difficult right now and I am having a hard time keeping the connection long enough to upload photos.  Check back tomorrow for more pictures of Leo.

46/365-2 Geared Up

46/365-2 Geared Up

 “Erin and Leo” Today was a busy day around our house, but it was the good kind of busy!  Erin wanted us to watch our “grand puppy”  so that she and Edgar could go run some errands.    The agreement was that we would do that as long as they were back before our out of town guests arrived.   The kids and the puppy arrived just as I was finishing the last little bit of sweeping.  Perfect timing! Leo…

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