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Category: Animals

About The Books

About The Books

I said yesterday that I am a minimalist.  I don’t like to be surrounded by a lot of “stuff.”  I also said that the one exception to my own “if I can’t use it right now then get rid of it” philosophy is books.  I like books.  All kinds of books.  Weber likes books too.  This is good for our relationship and bad for our bookshelves.  When we got married, we had limited shelf space.  We agreed that we would…

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A Whirlwind Week

A Whirlwind Week

The past week seems to have flown by!  Last weekend we were in Baltimore because I had a NOAH board meeting.  Though it was a quick trip and I had little free time, I enjoyed the getaway and change of scenery.  Weber and I did have a bit of time to wander around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Friday afternoon before my meeting began at 6. It was interesting to see another lightship.  My dad was instrumental in restoring a similar…

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Welcome, Piper!

Welcome, Piper!

Today was not a normal Sunday.  Weber is still suffering with Shingles and its accompanying tiredness so we did not go to church at 9 this morning.  We also did not have our regular Sunday brunch get together because so many had conflicting schedules today.  That left Weber and me to our own devices this afternoon.   We had a late and leisurely, let’s just say, meal about 1:30.  Though we had breakfast food, it was too late to even…

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26/365-3 Movement

26/365-3 Movement

“Playing Nicely” Well, today was an epic fail all the way around – technically and creatively.  The start of the spring semester has really messed up my photo taking routine.  I decided that I better be prepared for my classes tomorrow so it was dark by the time I got to my photo.  Most nights, the cat sits and waits for the dog to round the corner and then takes a paw to her and much motion ensues.  I was…

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24/365-3 Who and What

24/365-3 Who and What

“Harley’s Bath Day” Thanks to the warm weather and the help of her human big sister, Harley had a bath today.  I am absolutely sure that this is not how she would have chosen to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon given a choice.

357/365-2 Sad Santa

357/365-2 Sad Santa

“Guard Dog” He wouldn’t wear a Santa hat, but Adidas has his serious “sad lab face” on.  He feels it necessary to guard the gifts that are under the tree.  It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

354/365-2 With the Tree

354/365-2 With the Tree

“O’ Christmas Tree!” You may notice that there are no ornaments on the lower branches of the tree nor are there any gifts under the tree.  The absence of both of these things is due to the presence of the cat with/in/under the Christmas tree.

347/365-2 In The Corner

347/365-2 In The Corner

“It’s Beginning to Look A Little Like Christmas” We finally have a Christmas tree up and standing in the corner.  No other decorations are out yet, but at least the tree is up.  The dogs and the cat were all right there to help every step of the way.  Adidas seemed intrigued by the lights.  Frankie was waiting for the perfect ornament to knock off and play with and Harley wanted to make sure that these two stayed engaged and…

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340/365-2 December Self Portrait – Giving

340/365-2 December Self Portrait – Giving

“Hugs, The Best Kind of Giving” This month’s self portrait suggested photographing our hands in a gesture of giving.  This was definitely not my favorite selfie, not because of the giving aspect; it is the hands part, so I had to find something/someone to hold as a distraction.  As I have looked back through the year’s photos, I realized that Harley has been the least photographed of our four-legged family members.  Today was her day.  And, she is always willing…

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