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Category: Albinism

4/365 – 2 A Little Bit – January Self Portrait

4/365 – 2 A Little Bit – January Self Portrait

“Here I Am” I think that at one time or another we all struggle with our self image.  This is a place where our own reality often differs from the reality seen by those around us, those who see us as a whole person  rather than as a series of disconnected imperfections. As a person with albinism, as one who looks different from most of society, this struggle has been extremely difficult at times.   In fact, it has taken…

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313/365 Grateful for Challenges

313/365 Grateful for Challenges

“How Do I Challenge Thee?  Let Me Count the Ways” Challenges are a funny thing.  We seem like them when we choose them ourselves…better a run time, finish the Friday crossword puzzle, lose weight, finish a pair of socks, stay awake until we finish the book.  We tend to meet the  challenges that we set for with enthusiasm.  Is this because we know that if we are willing to set the challenge ourselves that we are fairly certain that we…

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307/365 Grateful for Sight

307/365 Grateful for Sight

“The Better To See You With” I am grateful for all the things that make it easier for me to visually navigate through my days.  My iPad, phone, glasses and monocular each do a little to make my world a little better.  Because light sensitivity is one of the issues with my eyes, I chose to over expose this photo as a nod to that.

257/365 Typical

257/365 Typical

“September Saturday Selfie” The second Saturday of the month, self portrait day.   I had a busy day that began with a rehearsal this morning and ended with a concert this evening at school. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get a selfie done.  These usually stress me out anyway; add to that a full day and it becomes a bad mix.  But, I knew I needed to do it. I went outside this afternoon to check the…

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249/365 On the Left

249/365 On the Left

“Left on the Street” We are in Portland this weekend for a NOAH gathering.  I am traveling light.  Translation: I forgot my card reader for my iPad so posting from here is a little tricky; but, where there is a will, there is a way. I didn’t take many pictures today because much of the day was spent in airports and on planes.  Tomorrow we are doing the tourist stuff here in Portland so I’m hoping for a good photography…

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121/365 #EYELOVE

121/365 #EYELOVE

“Seeing Lens to Lens” Apparently May is eye health month. The CY365 team has decided to gear many of this month’s photography prompts toward our eyes.  Though certainly reasonable for a community of photographers, that is a tough way to go for someone who is legally blind!  Many people posted  pictures today on the CY365 community page talking about how grateful they are for good eyesight that allows them to be photographers.   This photo shows an article that I…

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Pigmented Ponderings

Pigmented Ponderings

NOTE: Every now and then someone else wants to share their thoughts here.  Before posting such things they are given fair warning that they are subjecting themselves to being guilty by association.  All appropriate waivers were signed by this most recent guest blogger before this was posted. Over the weekend of July 13-15 I had the incredible experience of being at the NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) Conference in St. Louis. I am not going into details here…

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NOAH and Me

NOAH and Me

We have been in St. Louis for the NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) conference.  Though I am fifty years old and NOAH has been around since 1982, I was a first-timer at this conference.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I knew that I wanted to go.  Weber was a really good sport and agreed to go with me. The primary purpose of the NOAH conference is to provide information and support for families and individuals whose…

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