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Category: Albinism

274/365-2 PWA’s

274/365-2 PWA’s

“PWA’s” In the albinism community there are those who find it offensive to be called an albino, preferring the more politically correct term “person with albinism” or PWA.  So here I bring you politically correct PWA’s – Pumpkins With Albinism.

195/365-2 An Old Bridge

195/365-2 An Old Bridge

“Not Leaving On A Jet Plane” I am a firm believer in bloom where you are planted, even if that means that you are expected to grow and bloom in conditions that are less than ideal.  This philosophy made our travels home from San Diego quite pleasurable when others might have been seriously frustrated and angry. We left San Diego Monday afternoon on a 4:15 flight to Dallas with a connection in Phoenix.  The first leg of our journey, San…

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196/365-2 Red

196/365-2 Red

“Unpacking NOAH” This photo is more appropriate to this blog post than it is to the photo prompt “red,” but it will have to do double duty here if I am to have any chance of catching up with posts and photos! Traveling to the NOAH  (National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) conference was an awesome adventure all the way around.  We spent lots of time enjoying food, fun, information and time with friends both old and new.  Many of us have…

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193/365-2 Centered

193/365-2 Centered

“Sacred Center” I have walked by this plant, whose name I do not know, several time a day for nearly a week.  To me, there is something beautifully fascinating about the sacred spiral that is the blueprint that creates the layers of petals.   I have also come to realize that I have a love of natural monochromatic images.  I love the gradient green tones in this.  The spiral in combination with the greens, to me, make this image cry…

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191/365-2 On A Windowsill

191/365-2 On A Windowsill

“Have A Coke” This was taken a few days ago.  I love this bottle of Coke with my name on it.  It was given to me by one of my friends at the NOAH conference.  It is so hard to find things with Kris spelled with a “K” rather than “Ch”.  I wonder what prompted Coke to do this. Weber and I celebrated our fourth anniversary today.  We had a fun day but unfortunately it was a day that resulted…

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186/365-2 July Selfie – A Favorite

186/365-2 July Selfie – A Favorite

“Linen Love” I am not very good about naming “favorites” of anything.  Not food, or books, or movies, or restaurants…nothing.  It all depends on the day.  Today’s photo is supposed to reflect something that is a favorite piece of clothing, or jewelry, or shoes…something that is worn, I guess. I do have some favorite jewelry, by it is bracelets and rings and right now my arms and hands look awful because of having had some pre-skin cancer spots removed so…

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158/365-2 Holding – June Self Portrait

158/365-2 Holding – June Self Portrait

“Drawing Mandalas” So I have finally gotten used to, if not comfortable with, taking self portraits and then the focus changes to my hands, the part I hate most about myself.  My hands looks twice as old as the rest of me due to not enough sunscreen when I was younger.  Though I do many things with my hands that were worthy of photographing – knitting, playing the piano or clarinet, writing, typing, cooking – I had a hard time…

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123/365-2 A Vision Of My Eyes

123/365-2 A Vision Of My Eyes

“My Eyes” My eyes…so much can be said about them.  For many, the eyes I have have are their greatest fear; these eyes are legally blind.  There are many things that they prevent me from doing, and many other things that are just more challenging for me because of my eyes.  It would be easy to get stuck on all of the negatives associated with my eyes and their vision, but what would be the point in that? These are…

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121/365-2 Healthy Vision

121/365-2 Healthy Vision

“Seeing The Bright Side” May is eye health month and being that healthy vision is important to photographers, many of the Capture Your 365 prompts this month relate to vision, eyes and seeing.  This could be a challenge to the blind kid here:-) Actually, I like the prompts that challenge me to look carefully and intentionally at my inner world as well as my outer world.  For me, photography definitely has some challenges because of my vision, but working to…

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67/365-2 Drive

67/365-2 Drive

“Driver’s Seat” For most this photo represents the everyday, probably even something that is taken for granted. For me, however, because of my vision, sitting in the driver’s seat is something I have never done.  When I went outside to take today’s photo I had planned to shoot from my place in the proverbial passenger’s seat; but my plans changed.  When I got out to the car, thanks to spending the entire day with the CY365 Birthday Bash, I opted…

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