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Category: 2017 POTD

Body – 1: Mind – 0

Body – 1: Mind – 0

I made healthy food choices today, which my body greatly appreciated, but it is not at all happy  with the “sleep diet” that has been imposed now that I am back in school.  Though my mind would like to tackle a few things on my need/want to-do list tonight, the body said, “NOOOOO!!!!”  For once, I am paying attention.  No mind over matter. Goodnight!

January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

Only sixteen days into the new year and so many good things have already happened!  Yes, I have taken a week long hiatus from writing here; though that was not exactly what I had planned, it is a good thing.  Last weekend, while on retreat, I felt compelled to write even though I was not supposed to be.  And this week, I have been at home with access to my computer, but other things were more important. I returned home…

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A Little Cheating on Retreat

A Little Cheating on Retreat

I am on retreat this weekend and am supposed to be “fasting” from technology.  I’m not doing terribly well with that.  I am addicted to posting my daily photos, and I really don’t want to lose my blogging momentum.  I don’t have the time to write a full post today, so I am sharing a daily devotion that I wrote that was published today. ****** Today’s devotional is written by Kris Baker, Order of St Francis & St Clare, at #cohdallas, a United…

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So many acts are Underappreciated. Little things matter. KEB 1/4/17 Today’s photo prompt was overlook.  I could probably write pages here about all of the things that I have overlooked lately, but I have no time for that because I definitely have overlooked the fact until now that we will be out of town this weekend staffing a retreat and I had not packed a thing until 11 pm tonight.  So, no time to write. That said, I will be…

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Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes, more boxes Of papers and photographs. Flawed memories. KEB 1/3/17 For a year and a half all of the boxes of “stuff” that I brought home from my dad’s house have been sitting in our guest room.  Well sitting may be too kind a word.  Crammed is more appropriate.  It is fair to say that anyone who ventured into that room would have needed a golden clew, like that of Ariadne, to make their way out of the labyrinth…

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One Little Word – Nourish

One Little Word – Nourish

For body, mind, spirit Growth, health, and good condition. In one word, NOURISH. KEB 1/2/16 For a second year, I am participating in Ali Edwards One Little Word project.  This project invites you to choose one word that you will work with throughout the year.  The word should be one that helps you grow personally and perhaps helps you to reach a goal or goals.  I attempted this project last year.  My word was Order.  Although I did make some progress…

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No New Year’s Resolutions

No New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.  Instead, I prefer to think that I am setting new goals for myself in the coming year.  What’s the difference?  A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something.”  A goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result.”  I think my issue with resolution comes in the word firm.  That makes the idea of keeping to resolution sound so strict, so harsh, so inflexible….

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