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Author: techsupport

90/365-3 Light Painting

90/365-3 Light Painting

“Rolling Along!” This is pretty much how i feel – just rolling along through the week at times feeling as old as the dinosaur.  LOL!   Thank you Photojojo for what little inspiration there was today.

88/365-3 Looking for the Light

88/365-3 Looking for the Light

“Purple and Gold” I have seen the light and realize that it is much easier to post every day than to try and go back and upload a month’s worth of photos at once! I wish everyone a most blessed and holy of Holy Weeks and may we each emerge into new light and life.

Behind Yet Again!

Behind Yet Again!

And yet again I am playing catch up…serious catch up this time.  Time seems to be my nemesis these days.  No matter what I do, I cant seem to stay ahead of the game.  I have a lot going on right now, things that are pulling me in what seems like a million different directions.  The only way that I am maintaining even a tiny piece of sanity is to just take one step at a time and know that…

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45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

February seems to have whizzed by and I have no idea where it has gone!  All month I have been making lists of things that I need to do and I have actually crossed a goodly number of them off, but it seems that I am adding new things faster than I am removing accomplished tasks and the lists continues to grow.  The good news in all of this is that I have gotten a lot done, both things that…

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40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

Wow!, I just dont seem to be able to keep up with it all right now!  Between school responsibilities, the tasks of working on my dad’s estate, and NOAH, I am struggling to stay afloat.  I knew that I was a few days behind here, but I didnt realize that I hadnt posted a single photo all week.  Where did the week go? Though I really dont have the time, I do manage to make the time each day to…

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39/365-3 Pink

39/365-3 Pink

“Believe in Pink” “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn 

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