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Author: techsupport

Jumping Back In!

Jumping Back In!

The calendar says that fall will be here in two days, but for my creative self, it is spring that is dawning after a five month dormant season here.   Unlike the plants and animals who know that they need fall and winter to rest and rejuvenate, I was unaware that my spirit was longing for that time.  I have been doing other creative things, including other types of writing, but in the past few weeks, I have been hit…

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99/365-3 Layers

99/365-3 Layers

“Twirly Skirt” I grabbed my daughter this afternoon hoping to get a few practice shots for the portraits class. She said, “Don’t you want to take pictures of me in my twirly skirt?” For a brief moment I was transported back to when she was three rather than twenty five. It was a fun few minutes that we shared. The photos aren’t technically very good, because neither one of us was being too serious about the whole thing, but we…

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98/365-3 Cheers

98/365-3 Cheers

“Amen” Sometimes it is just a little comfort food and an “amen” to the end of a long day rather than “cheers.” Simple things like a good cup of black coffee and graham crackers are a perfect end to the day as far as I am concerned.

97/365-3 April Where I Stand

97/365-3 April Where I Stand

“Where I Stand” I am not feeling the camera love today, or any other love for that matter.  I have a ton of stuff on my plate right.  Life seems to be either feast or famine.  Right now it is feast, but unfortunately the fare is not comfort food!  And on top of that, I have done something to make my back really mad at me.  It is retaliating by causing me great pain. Deep down I know that I…

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96/365-3 Bunch

96/365-3 Bunch

“A Bunch of Good Advice” I love it when the wisdom that I need in that moment comes to me while capturing my daily photo.  This little monkey is my inspiration for today.

94/365-3 Dappled

94/365-3 Dappled

“Dappled Duck” I went outside in the middle of the afternoon in the dappled light to shoot some photos of the newest irises to bloom in our yard.  I was surprised to hear this guy talking to himself as he strolled around the yard.  I’m not sure where he came from or where he was going.  The irises will be there tomorrow; I’m not sure about this dappled duck so he became today’s POTD. Here are a couple of shots…

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95/365-3 Gathered Together

95/365-3 Gathered Together

“Easter Afternoon” Between six church services in the past few days, dinner last night with family, and lunch this afternoon with friends, there has been much gathering together in our life over the past few days, but none of it did I photograph.  This afternoon, once Jesus was raised and all else was said and done, it was a quiet afternoon with just the two of us at home.  I managed a few shots before Weber took a nap in…

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92/365-3 In the Sky

92/365-3 In the Sky

“In the Sky” Sometimes all you can do is tell yourself that tomorrow is another day.  This photo was supposed to be of the sun, but there was no sun in the morning before I started teaching at 7:30, and I missed the sunset.  I attempted the moon late at night.  It was windy and with the long lens this caused too much camera movement.  Oh well…the moon will be there another night.

91/365-3 Sundown

91/365-3 Sundown

“My Sunshine at Sundown” Today’s prompt of “Sundown” suggested that twilight provides beautiful light to capture warm skin tones.  Weber volunteered his skin tones for today’s prompt.  I think he may have also figured that if he agreed to be totday’s subject on this first day of the month that he might be off the hook for the next 29 days.  Wrong!  The Ptactice Portraits class that I will be taking starts next week.  Hopefully there will be some advice…

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