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Author: techsupport

An Object Lesson

An Object Lesson

I don’t like it when the universe feels the need to teach me a lesson somewhat subversively, but that is exactly what happened today.  For no reason that I can identify, I managed to leave the house this morning without my phone.  I realized this about half way to school.  On most mornings, we could have turned around and run home to get it, but today the traffic was terrible.  Weber would have surely been late for school had we…

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Optimistic Tuesday

Optimistic Tuesday

Despite the fact that we are two weeks into fall according to the calendar, the weather here has not gotten the official word.  Temperatures are in the 90’s and the summer annuals are still in full bloom.  The oak tree has dropped a few leaves, so I am being optimistic that sometime soon fall will arive in more than name! If you are interested, here is the link to today’s Tuesday in Texas post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs.  Tracey…

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Reflecting on Francis

Reflecting on Francis

With prayers for a blessed rememberance of Brother Francis…What might Francis say to us today?What Now, Francis?Waste notyour tears on me.on what wasor could have been,maybe should have been.Save your weepingfor those who live-the hungry, the thirsty, the cold,the sick, the beaten down, the longing-for those who still have breath.Turn all of your tears to hopeTo fuel God’s work-the death of injustice, pain, and suffering-with joy.Cry not for me;I have eternal life in Christ.Weep only,as I do,for God’s hurting people…

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Apples and Tamales

Apples and Tamales

 Today is Food Friday, which means I spent a good part of the day cooking and taking photographs along the way to post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs! Click on over for some tasty apple recipes. I played for a service tonight at the Interfaith Peace Chapel.  It was a Taize service with a celebration of the Transitus of St. Francis.  Both are moving services in their own right, but experiencing them together was exceptionally moving. After the service, a few…

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Where I Work

Where I Work

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt is “Where I Work.”  I was excited by this prompt because it encouraged me to take photos in a place where I normally am not thinking about my camera.  The sad part here is that it is the place that I have come nearly every work day for the past 23 years and of which I have very few photos. As I walked in to school this morning, I was thinking about the possibilities…

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What’s Been Going On

What’s Been Going On

What the saying?  “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans.”  I made the big pronouncement that my plan was to post here regularly.  I guess the truth is that I don’t yet have enough of a trend to define “regularly” but in my head that meant almost every day if not every day.  And here it is five days since my last post.  So what’s been going on?  Lots, actually. The biggest obstacle to posting has been…

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My Thursday’s are incredibly long days, beginning with my first class at 7:30 am and ending at 4 pm after a final composition lesson.  In between, I teach five different classes and two lessons.  The good news?  Unlike Wednesday’s, I actually have 30 minutes for lunch!  The thing that makes this tiring day tolerable is knowing that it is the end of my work week.  And, I have some awesome students. No one really wants to take (or teach) a…

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Wednesdays are long days.  The best I have to offer is my daily haiku… The season changes  Year’s perfect end approaching. Where is the weather? …and today’s photo taken very late tonight.  The prompt was “rushing.”  I rushed to get a photo taken while trying to get several others things done.

Revolving Door

Revolving Door

One thing that I have learned, because the lesson has been shown to me time and time again, is that no doors ever really shut in life.  Our existence involves continuous movement, an unchoreographed dance,  through a constantly revolving door.  The variables that impact where that door leads include how quickly the door turns, how we embrace our perspective at the present point of rotation, and who else is making their way through the door with us. Today was bittersweet…

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