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Author: techsupport

Five Fabulous Finds – October 2015

Five Fabulous Finds – October 2015

Back when I was being faithful to my blog, I did a regular post each month called Five Fabulous Finds.  In most cases it was a silly list of things that I had come cross during that month that were either new to me and that I found interesting, fascinating, edifying, or just plain fun.  As part of my ongoing effort to get back in the swing of things here, I am reinstituting that monthly post today.  It WILL appear…

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Welcome, Piper!

Welcome, Piper!

Today was not a normal Sunday.  Weber is still suffering with Shingles and its accompanying tiredness so we did not go to church at 9 this morning.  We also did not have our regular Sunday brunch get together because so many had conflicting schedules today.  That left Weber and me to our own devices this afternoon.   We had a late and leisurely, let’s just say, meal about 1:30.  Though we had breakfast food, it was too late to even…

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Alone With Me

Alone With Me

Today was just the day I needed!  It was gray and rainy.  Not cold, but that’s okay.  And, I got to stay at home all day!  For most of the day I could hear the falling rain, its rhythm somewhat irregular but comforting nonetheless.  I was up early, made breakfast for Weber, wrote my morning pages, shared a few texts with friends, and then went back to bed for an hour.  The weather encouraged it.  My calendar allowed it.  And,…

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Let’s Talk About Today

Let’s Talk About Today

My day began early and with the following two posts on Facebook:1. “The time needs to change.  Getting to school in the dark is just not right.”2. Note to self: Beginning a 7:30 ear training class with harmonic dictation in the minor mode is not a good way to start the day.And so went my day.  It had an early and rough start, but by my 9:00 class, things were moving along fairly well.  Five classes later, I was done teaching…

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Time Passages

Time Passages

Yesterday marked the year anniversary of my dad’s death.  In many ways it feels like just last week rather than last year, making me painfully aware of just how quickly time flies.  When I look back at my posts here as well as my own journaling, I realize that time really is the overarching theme in my life right now, with the majority of my thoughts being about how I spend what time I have. I am definitely one of…

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Fall and Incompetence

Fall and Incompetence

After what has seemed like an unnecessarily busy week, I finally had a few minutes to stop and take in what is passing at the moment for fall in Texas.  Though it is still hot, the trees are starting to lose their leaves.  The leaves themselves aren’t the beautiful yellows, oranges, golds, and reds like can be seen on the east coast, but if you catch the sun and the brown leaves at just the right time of day, the setting…

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In Search of Peace

In Search of Peace

Lately I have found a few moments where my body is still,  but in that physical stillness, my mind continues to race furiously onward.  In fact, my mind seems even busier when my body is still.  This cycle of never being at peace has been tough on me this week.  It seems that for every step that I have taken with the hope that it will bring a little calm, there is a stronger force that pushes me backward and…

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