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So many acts are Underappreciated. Little things matter. KEB 1/4/17 Today’s photo prompt was overlook.  I could probably write pages here about all of the things that I have overlooked lately, but I have no time for that because I definitely have overlooked the fact until now that we will be out of town this weekend staffing a retreat and I had not packed a thing until 11 pm tonight.  So, no time to write. That said, I will be…

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Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes, more boxes Of papers and photographs. Flawed memories. KEB 1/3/17 For a year and a half all of the boxes of “stuff” that I brought home from my dad’s house have been sitting in our guest room.  Well sitting may be too kind a word.  Crammed is more appropriate.  It is fair to say that anyone who ventured into that room would have needed a golden clew, like that of Ariadne, to make their way out of the labyrinth…

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One Little Word – Nourish

One Little Word – Nourish

For body, mind, spirit Growth, health, and good condition. In one word, NOURISH. KEB 1/2/16 For a second year, I am participating in Ali Edwards One Little Word project.  This project invites you to choose one word that you will work with throughout the year.  The word should be one that helps you grow personally and perhaps helps you to reach a goal or goals.  I attempted this project last year.  My word was Order.  Although I did make some progress…

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No New Year’s Resolutions

No New Year’s Resolutions

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.  Instead, I prefer to think that I am setting new goals for myself in the coming year.  What’s the difference?  A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something.”  A goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result.”  I think my issue with resolution comes in the word firm.  That makes the idea of keeping to resolution sound so strict, so harsh, so inflexible….

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2016 in Nine Minutes

2016 in Nine Minutes

Another year behind me…the days seem to pass faster and faster!  I need them to slow down.  I have so much that I need to do, that I want to do. One thing that I have managed to do every single day since January 1, 2013 is to take a photo a day, a photo that in some way represents my day.  Other than brushing my teeth, I’m not sure that I can say that I have any other habit…

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Change Is Coming

Change Is Coming

As I mentioned in my post a few days ago, one of the many reasons that I have not been consistent in my writing here is because I am writing two other blogs.  I “met” Tracey almost three years ago through the Capture Your 365 community.  I say “met” because we have never met in person.  In the sharing of our daily photos in the CY365 forum, a connection formed between us.  Our communication moved from CY365 public gallery comments…

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What’s Really Important

What’s Really Important

I never quite made it totally to Christmas this year.  I loved Advent, that time of waiting, of reflection,  of trying to not get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas.  I “did” Advent so well that I didn’t even get the Christmas tree put up until December 20th.  And by that time, other than some outdoor lights on the front porch, I wasn’t inspired to do any other decorating.  Usually I seriously decorate the mantel and hearth, as well…

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All In A Decade

All In A Decade

Today is my 55th birthday. Exactly ten years ago, on a whim, I decided to start writing a blog.  At that point I had no idea why and was fairly sure that no one really wanted to read what I was writing.  But, I did it.  The title perfectly summed up what I wrote about, all the things that happened in my day.  I was faithful to the process for quite awhile.  And then I became unfaithful.  And then faithful…

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Where I Stand

Where I Stand

Every month, the Capture Your 365 photo prompts include this one – “Where I Stand.”  I have pictures of my bare feet, my sock covered feet, my feet in comfy shoes, funky shoes, and dressy shoes.  Throughtout these photos I can be seen with my feet curled around the base of my desk chair, propped up on the couch relaxing, standing side by side with the one I love, on rocks and mountains,  close to home, and faraway.  Each photo…

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A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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