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Author: techsupport

Toothaches and Sin

Toothaches and Sin

This is the daily devotion that I wrote and was published as part of our church’s daily devotion ministry. Don’t ask me how I know so much about toothaches and sin. 🙂 ______________ A gift from Kris Baker, Order of St. Francis and St. Clare at #cohdallas, a United Church of Christ congregation, today’s devotional is based on the following scripture : ScriptureLust gets pregnant, and has a baby: sin! Sin grows up to adulthood, and becomes a real killer….

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About the Pot

About the Pot

I ordered a new pot last week…a four quart dutch oven.  I’m not sure why I ordered a new dutch oven other than it was on sale and it is a pretty blue.  I don’t have a dutch oven and I make a lot of meals that could be prepared in a dutch oven, but I do have lots of sauce pans and stew pots that have served me quite well up until now, so I could have easily done…

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On A Somewhat Positive Note

On A Somewhat Positive Note

A friend recently texted to ask if I was OK because I haven’t posted here in the last week.  I am as OK as anyone is who is sad and angry about what is happening in this country right now.  I have not written because all I had to write about were things that I didn’t want to write about.  Lol!  More words about discrimination, families being torn apart, innocent people being treated like criminals, power and money prevailing over…

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Looking for Inspiration

Looking for Inspiration

I am kind of in a creative slump right now, but I keep on keeping on, trying to work myself out of it. One thing that always helps is seeing this sweet little face…even when this face is up in my face at 3am because it needs to go outside.  No matter what she does, it is impossible to get upset with Piper because she is such a happy and lovable little girl. Today’s Capture Your 365 prompt was open.  You…

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The Nature of Things

The Nature of Things

There is so much going on in this world right now that is not pretty that for the last few days, I have tried to stay away from the media, searching elsewhere for alternate truths. 🙂  It hasn’t been easy, but even in the midst of winter, the natural world is still full of beauty; it and my camera provided just the diversion that I needed! Seeing the movie Lion on Friday evening and the musical 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling…

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One Down, Fifteen To Go

One Down, Fifteen To Go

Week one of the Spring 2017 semester is over.  Let me just say that re-entry was tough!  Though I never really slept late over the holiday break, I was not up any day at 5:30 like I have been every day this week.  This adjustment to my morning alarm would have been much more tolerable if I had made a similar adjustment to my bedtime, if it also had moved three hours earlier.  I missed that step.  The result?  Three…

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Body – 1: Mind – 0

Body – 1: Mind – 0

I made healthy food choices today, which my body greatly appreciated, but it is not at all happy  with the “sleep diet” that has been imposed now that I am back in school.  Though my mind would like to tackle a few things on my need/want to-do list tonight, the body said, “NOOOOO!!!!”  For once, I am paying attention.  No mind over matter. Goodnight!

Double Dipping

Double Dipping

I am double dipping today… It is Tuesday In Texas  post day on  Sifted Together, the blog I co-write with my friend Tracey.  We started blogging together two years ago and have just recently reworked and renamed that venture.  We just launched Sifted Together  on January 9th so you’ve only missed a few posts.  To see what’s going on in my world today, as well as what was going on Monday In Michigan from Tracey’s perspective,  hop on over to …

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January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

Only sixteen days into the new year and so many good things have already happened!  Yes, I have taken a week long hiatus from writing here; though that was not exactly what I had planned, it is a good thing.  Last weekend, while on retreat, I felt compelled to write even though I was not supposed to be.  And this week, I have been at home with access to my computer, but other things were more important. I returned home…

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A Little Cheating on Retreat

A Little Cheating on Retreat

I am on retreat this weekend and am supposed to be “fasting” from technology.  I’m not doing terribly well with that.  I am addicted to posting my daily photos, and I really don’t want to lose my blogging momentum.  I don’t have the time to write a full post today, so I am sharing a daily devotion that I wrote that was published today. ****** Today’s devotional is written by Kris Baker, Order of St Francis & St Clare, at #cohdallas, a United…

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