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Author: techsupport

360/365-2 Seasonal Attire

360/365-2 Seasonal Attire

“The Hat” “The hat” is always seasonal attire around here, or at least a hat.  This one was perfect for today when it was chilly outside, but not cold enough for a coat, or even a jacket, for that matter.  I am such a sucker for the hat and the guy in the hat. The guy in the hat gave me a new lens for Christmas.  Surely he knew that if he gave me a lens he would end up…

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359/365-2 The Aftermath

359/365-2 The Aftermath

“Nap Time!” Another Christmas tradition around our house is that after brunch has been eaten and gifts have been opened Harley and Weber climb up in the recliner and have a Christmas nap.  I think there is a similar picture to this one from almost every Christmas day that these two have shared. This image is not particularly “Christmassy” in and of itself, so here is a second look at the aftermath of our Christmas morning. We had a wonderful…

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358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

“You Decide.” I was drawn to this image of Erin that was taken on her birthday.  For someone reason, to me it is perfect for “naughty or nice.” We had a somewhat less frantic Christmas eve than usually.  I did get everything wrapped, chili made for Christmas day, and some cleaning done, but I decided that some cleaning just was not going to get done.  That’s why they make doors that close. Church was a nice change this year.  I…

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Happy 22nd Birthday, Erin!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Erin!

Today was day two of our marathon week of birthdays – four in six days if you count Jesus.  My baby turned twenty two today.  Where has the time gone?   Both the birthday girl and her sister had to work all day so our celebration consisted of dinner in Fort Worth at Yucatan Taco.  (I am including the name of the restaurant because neither Brooke or me could remember where we went last year for Erin’s birthday.  Though I…

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357/365-2 Sad Santa

357/365-2 Sad Santa

“Guard Dog” He wouldn’t wear a Santa hat, but Adidas has his serious “sad lab face” on.  He feels it necessary to guard the gifts that are under the tree.  It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

356/365-2 Ready

356/365-2 Ready

“Naughty? Maybe. 25? Definitely.” These two are ready to party.  The “naughty” one celebrated her 25th birthday today.  She and her “nice” sister spent the day shopping and eating (and maybe drinking a little, too.)  All that was followed by a family dinner and sharing of gifts tonight. Neither one of them was really dressed for a portrait.  The naughty one had on ridiculously high heels making her way taller than her sister and thus making it impossible, in terrible…

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355/365-2 In the Kitchen

355/365-2 In the Kitchen

‘Santa????” I forgot to post this here yesterday because I posted it on Facebook early in the day thinking I would take a more appropriate photo for my official photo of the day.  That didn’t happen so this is it.  What does it have to do with “in the kitchen?” About the only thing is that this silly idea was hatched and planned while standing in the kitchen.  And no, we had not been sipping on the eggnog.

354/365-2 With the Tree

354/365-2 With the Tree

“O’ Christmas Tree!” You may notice that there are no ornaments on the lower branches of the tree nor are there any gifts under the tree.  The absence of both of these things is due to the presence of the cat with/in/under the Christmas tree.

353/365-2 You Better Watch Out

353/365-2 You Better Watch Out

“Christmas Break” Six days before Christmas and on the last day of school before the holiday break, teachers and Santa feel each other’s pain!  There are few people still on the “nice” list!

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